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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Flash + Heal
Ability Order Ability Leveling Order
Mana Surge (PASSIVE)
Xerath Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Optimal rune page.
Arcane Comet - The most damaging rune and most useful one here as it pairs greatly in the mid-late game where you usually hit your E first anyway. Also extremely helpful in lane if you W > Q to poke.
Manaflow Band - No explanation. It's simply the superior rune here as Nullifying Orb doesn't help Xerath at all and Nimbus Cloak is useless since you stand still for those 2,5 seconds most of the time.
Transcendence - This is to help with the CDR cap to spam abilities in later fights. You should have 45% with this rune if you have Ludens and a second 10% CDR item.
Gathering Storm - Just way better than Scorch or Waterwalking, Xerath is a champ that pairs well with 2-3 items like crit adc's and is really powerful around the 30 minute mark, where GS helps a lot!
Magical Footwear - Better than normal boots and they're free! You can also take Perfect Timing for a stopwatch if you know you want to build Zhonya's into their comp. If neither is for you, you can always go Biscuit Delivery for more sustain in lane and extra mana.
Cosmic Insight - Just 100% needed for the 45% CD cap that you want to spam abilities.
Extra Runes
Offence - Adaptive Force or CDR. If you're only going Luden's as a CDR item this game, take the CDR rune to make sure you have 45% in level 18 anyway.
Flex - Adaptive Force. You need the damage.
Defence - Health is the best option here, but if you'd rather have a little armour or MR, you can take either.
Arcane Comet - The most damaging rune and most useful one here as it pairs greatly in the mid-late game where you usually hit your E first anyway. Also extremely helpful in lane if you W > Q to poke.
Manaflow Band - No explanation. It's simply the superior rune here as Nullifying Orb doesn't help Xerath at all and Nimbus Cloak is useless since you stand still for those 2,5 seconds most of the time.
Transcendence - This is to help with the CDR cap to spam abilities in later fights. You should have 45% with this rune if you have Ludens and a second 10% CDR item.
Gathering Storm - Just way better than Scorch or Waterwalking, Xerath is a champ that pairs well with 2-3 items like crit adc's and is really powerful around the 30 minute mark, where GS helps a lot!
Magical Footwear - Better than normal boots and they're free! You can also take Perfect Timing for a stopwatch if you know you want to build Zhonya's into their comp. If neither is for you, you can always go Biscuit Delivery for more sustain in lane and extra mana.
Cosmic Insight - Just 100% needed for the 45% CD cap that you want to spam abilities.
Extra Runes
Offence - Adaptive Force or CDR. If you're only going Luden's as a CDR item this game, take the CDR rune to make sure you have 45% in level 18 anyway.
Flex - Adaptive Force. You need the damage.
Defence - Health is the best option here, but if you'd rather have a little armour or MR, you can take either.
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