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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Diana is one champion that is almost unbeatable as Veigar. She is really tanky, you won't be able to burst her down and she can jump on you once 6. You should really watch out for this goddess, and avoid the matchup.
Veigar is a burst mage with a really bad early game. You will really start to shine in the mid to late game.
Playing Veigar will require you to have a good positioning, and you need to be good at farming.
Please not that the guide is still under construction
-Extremely strong late game
-When everyone is full build you will still gain damage
-Can oneshot most mages lategame
-Has a really nice stun, that is great for teamfights.
- Above all he looks badass
- Squishy
- Only has 1 stun to escape with
- Can be ganked easily
- Hard to master
- You'll usually get focused
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