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Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
I've tried playing Leblanc as an AD carry on bot lane, but she lacks burst.
I've tried playing Leblanc as an AP mage in bot lane, but she couldn't farm.
Therefore: Hybrid Leblanc.
Last hits and pokes with your auto-attacks and getting kills with abilities.
This guide needs no further introduction: let's just move on to the pros and cons.
The trick with Hybrid LeBlanc is: you MUST use her early game spells to win the lane, or else you'll be worthless. Hybrid LeBlanc has the same issues as AP LeBlanc: she sucks in late game.
Amazing early game damage!! (she can outtrade any AD carry)
Great CC for an AD Carry.
Good escape and high mobility.
Ultimate on extremely low cooldown.
Squishy (obviously).
Falls off in late game.
Is NOT an AD Carry.
Is not good in teamfights.
The trick with Hybrid LeBlanc is: you MUST use her early game spells to win the lane, or else you'll be worthless. Hybrid LeBlanc has the same issues as AP LeBlanc: she sucks in late game.
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