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Thresh Build Guide by Mooncurve

Support Win hardcore with Thresh

Support Win hardcore with Thresh

Updated on October 22, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mooncurve Build Guide By Mooncurve 6,293 Views 0 Comments
6,293 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mooncurve Thresh Build Guide By Mooncurve Updated on October 22, 2021
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Runes: Standard Thresh

1 2
Bone Plating

Perfect Timing
Time Warp Tonic

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
Classic and most cases
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Early game, the soul collecting journey begins

Wow, another game with Thresh... This is going to be fun
We can all agree Thresh is like the symbol of support, Madlife started all with the plays, which quickly popularize the role support in league.
Now it is our time to continue the legacy of Thresh.

Buy the items mentioned in the items section. First off looking at your team composition vs theirs. Are you invading or nah? Do you think you win 2v2? How 'scary' is their jungler? And where would they be at a certain time. Rushing level 2 to fight the enemy bottom lane. Maybe your jungler wants bot scuttle. All of these questions should be on your mind. When you become one with the Thresh, you already know how you want to play the laning. When to look for a hook, is walking up flaying an option etc.

After level 2, usually you already had an intense fight, it depends on how the enemy bot lane react to it. You might have a kill or two, you might've died, don't lose hope, a Thresh always have their place in a game.

Collecting souls is important, don't die or take 2/3 hp off yourself getting them though.
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Laning phrase, the patience and the aggressor

League is ultimately a chess game, each player controls their piece, forming a team. Remember this. Sometimes patience is needed to achieve the greater good, if you think you don't win for now, don't do it. If you think you win, ping and engage. Overtime with more playing with Thresh, you will get the hang of the idea of if you would win or lose. As a good Thresh, you should pay attention to minor details, did enemy Lulu just used W for an execution for a cannon minion due to your pressure? Is the enemy adc in line for a minion blind spot hook? (minions that are going to die while you charge your hook) Do you have summoner's spell advantage? All of those scenarios happened in my ranked games, and they all played a part in my games. Thresh players are usually very patient and carefully thinking how to play things out. But when they are up for the aggressive they strike bullseye. Finding the balance between pressuring and careful playing is the key to become better at Thresh. Losing lane early is bad for Thresh since you would need to hook / fight them under turret to gain the upper hand (which the opportunity is hard to come by). Thresh bottom lanes don't like to be the weaker side, it greatly reduces Thresh's effectiveness. Always help your jungler if you can, and stay positive at all times, the opportunity will always come.
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mid to late game, vision and assistance

When transitioning to the mid game, everybody is itching to fight. Well, we are too, we want to make plays and stuff.
But, a Thresh player must stay calm and collected, the patience and aggressive within must still be intact. Keeping allies alive is the number one priority, not hooking their jungler, Thresh can't do the damage to kill everyone. Vision control is very important, a good support player should know how to make good vision for the entirety of the team to make plans. The vision you give guides how everything would be played out. As a Thresh, you would want to be around your team to make plays too, consider how the fight would play out. Do you want to flay and catch the enemy's support with your jungler and mid laner? Or do you want to flash hook the enemy jungler and lantern in your ad, knowing their ad and top laner is probably farming nearby? The latter seems more cool but you will probably lose a lot of rank games for it. Thresh is a very opportunistic champion, but his kit being all-around makes him be able to do anything. As they all say, "A good support should know how to play Thresh".
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About me

I'm back to edit this guide again since I have been playing ranks (I never really played a lot back then). I would like to share my thoughts on how Thresh is played by me, what I think is important to become a better Thresh player and so on.

At the time of writing this guide, I'm currently Diamond 4 85LP, with Thresh being my best champion at 78% WR, 36 games played, ( I have almost 700k mastery points on him. He has been my favorite champion ever since I started playing him in S3. ). I have always enjoy the art of playing league. Thank you for reading my guide, feel free to exchange pointers down below.
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