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Prophet of an Elder God (PASSIVE)
Illaoi Passive Ability
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I'm not special
I feel like this build gives you a good mix of damage and tankiness like any healthy bruiser needs to dominate their lane. Feel free to go ull five in either of the first resolve skills. I like to mix it. Grasp is pretty standard especially once you have your Bami's to keep it up nearly 100% of the time.
I take the summoner cd mastery over health regen just because you can heal up with your passive in most situations. Having Flash or Teleport off cooldown faster than the other guy can be a godsend.
I take the summoner cd mastery over health regen just because you can heal up with your passive in most situations. Having Flash or Teleport off cooldown faster than the other guy can be a godsend.
I've seen Doran's Blade as a starting item but I'm not a big fan, you have enough damage and sustain with the corrupting potion that it isn't needed. Get either Caulfield's or Bami's first depending on if you need HP or CD+DMG. Rushing Spirit Visage is viable against AP lanes.
Finish cleaver then sunfire cape in most situations but if you're getting massacred switch that up. For AP lanes skip ahead to the Spirit Visage but make sure to go back for Cleaver ASAP.
Once you have those grab Zzrot to push for you if you leave lane or want some extra power. Some people feel that it's kind of gimmicky but I'm a fan of the stats even if the passive is only situational.
Sterak's Gage is a solid item if you feel like you need more damage and the Lifeline passive can save you if you're getting bursted down during your ult.
Finish cleaver then sunfire cape in most situations but if you're getting massacred switch that up. For AP lanes skip ahead to the Spirit Visage but make sure to go back for Cleaver ASAP.
Once you have those grab Zzrot to push for you if you leave lane or want some extra power. Some people feel that it's kind of gimmicky but I'm a fan of the stats even if the passive is only situational.
Sterak's Gage is a solid item if you feel like you need more damage and the Lifeline passive can save you if you're getting bursted down during your ult.
Focus on being able to land your Q almost always. If you miss that's a bad trade and you're probably going to eat some damage for it. Don't be overly agressive till around level 3 and be aware of your tentacles. Kite back into them once you pick up W. The extra damage is going to win trades and generally get first blood. If you're doing your job right their jungle is going to come gank you, hopefully around lvl 6, and when that happens use your E on the first man in. With that, get your ult on three targets and Q/W them into the ground. You're up 600g and their jungle will think twice about ever coming up again. Or they'll make the same mistake and you rinse and repeat.
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