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Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
First of all. this is not a indeth-guide, its my first try too make a guide here.
Well, i heared from some guys (dont remember their names) that Singed is a useless topchamp. I tried too explain them why singed is one of the best toplaners but they didnt understand untill i got beat them 1v1 with toplaners. What the most people dont Understand is that Singed's "passive" and other abilities, and that's why i wanted too do this Guide. Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Empowered Bulwark Singed's passive is so much underrated, u get 1/4 of your mana on MAX-HEALTH... only this skin makes him too a good dmg-dealing tank.
Poison Trail Singed's Q, is making poison, what looks like he is farting O.O. This skill is the best kite-ability in LOL.
Mega Adhesive his W is one of the best slows, 75% slow is amazing too get out a fight or just too slow an enemy to fling him.
Fling Singed's E u throw your enemy behind you +100% AP dmg!!! (btw...>>>>>>in your Poison)
Insanity Potion Gain a bonus on def/Manaregen/AP/speed and a cc reduction. And this ULT has even a pretty low CD.
Poison Trail Singed's Q, is making poison, what looks like he is farting O.O. This skill is the best kite-ability in LOL.
Mega Adhesive his W is one of the best slows, 75% slow is amazing too get out a fight or just too slow an enemy to fling him.
Fling Singed's E u throw your enemy behind you +100% AP dmg!!! (btw...>>>>>>in your Poison)
Insanity Potion Gain a bonus on def/Manaregen/AP/speed and a cc reduction. And this ULT has even a pretty low CD.
Main item of this build is Tear of the Goddess u will gonna have it 3 times in this build too get its full use and have too farm it with Poison Trail all over time!
Mana= max HP
"Dude why only mana?" u wanna ask me? Well singed's passive makes him too that what he is... a sustain machine!
If you farm all the mana with this build u will get over 4800 HP/ 6000Mana/ 280 AD/ 390 AP and will deal with activated Muramana on your first fling OVER 900 dmg.... and yes u fling him in your poison....
Now u ask me why i dont get a Rylai's Crystal Scepter too slow them with my poison! Well if all enemy's see you and run away u just wanna do it fast and get them dead and with Trinity Force u get a 8% speed bonus and a on-hit-slow and trust me they all gonna flee if they seeing you!
Mana= max HP
"Dude why only mana?" u wanna ask me? Well singed's passive makes him too that what he is... a sustain machine!
If you farm all the mana with this build u will get over 4800 HP/ 6000Mana/ 280 AD/ 390 AP and will deal with activated Muramana on your first fling OVER 900 dmg.... and yes u fling him in your poison....
Now u ask me why i dont get a Rylai's Crystal Scepter too slow them with my poison! Well if all enemy's see you and run away u just wanna do it fast and get them dead and with Trinity Force u get a 8% speed bonus and a on-hit-slow and trust me they all gonna flee if they seeing you!
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