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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Early Game
In the early stages of the game focus on getting level 6 as fast as possible so that you can start building a lead for your team through successful ganks. At around level 5 after getting the complete jungle item you can solo dragon but take sweeping lens to clear any wards preventing a dragon steal.
First clear should look like this:
Do not waste smite on the first buff as your team will help you leash use smite on the big krug or gromp.
After follow this route taking red and blue when they spawn along with ganking after level 6 when you see an enemy over extending
First clear should look like this:
Do not waste smite on the first buff as your team will help you leash use smite on the big krug or gromp.
After follow this route taking red and blue when they spawn along with ganking after level 6 when you see an enemy over extending
Mid Game
After level 8 when you get the boots and a part of the second item you should look for rift herald after a successful gank on top or mid lane. Jungling pathing should keeps the same route but also look to punish the enemy jungler when he ganks by either counter ganking if you are close or taking his jungle farm if you are far away this is essential as it will put the enemy jungler behind in levels and gold.
Late Game
Around Level 10-12 after a successful teamfight do not hesitate to take baron as it will lead to victory, if a teamfight is not being allowed to happen look for picks in the side lanes or in the jungle to reduce their numbers, and if the jungler along with another member has been killed go for baron as it is unlikely for them to steal baron since your team would have a smite advantage.
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