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Xayah Build Guide by Yonilo

ADC Xayah ADC build and guide

ADC Xayah ADC build and guide

Updated on July 2, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yonilo Build Guide By Yonilo 4,250 Views 0 Comments
4,250 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Yonilo Xayah Build Guide By Yonilo Updated on July 2, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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introduction me

Hi, i'm Yonilo from Eu West.
I'm an Xayah main and i'm making this build to give you guys a fun time playing xayah :3
i have no rank at the moment but i was Bronse V before i transfered from eu Nordic & East to Eu West :3
I'm sittin with a mastery 4 soon 5 Xayah and i have my duo partner and lover with me Hejune (Rakan) who is sitting on Mastery m4 with Rakan.

I'm still working on this build so there will be some updates incoming!
so be ready for it :3
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introduction Xayah

Deadly and precise. Xayah is a vestayan revolutionary waging a personal war to save her people. she uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way. Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe, and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.

"ever been stabbed by a feather?" -Xayah
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1. In team fights use R and after the R is over use E fast then you will cc the enemys and either save a teamate or get a few kills for the team.

2. in minion farming use Q and then after 3 or 4 feathers on the ground use E to call them which lower the minions health and cc them and at the same time you threaten the enemy bot laners with the feathers.
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choose flash as the first spell so that she can get out off situations where she can't use R and E or Q and E to cc enemys like for example when veigar does his E Event horizon or when Illaoi does her E test of spirit

take heal, so that you can heal your self or a teamate with low health in team fights or when you are running away from a champion or two so that you can have a chanse of survival on the runaway.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yonilo
Yonilo Xayah Guide
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Xayah ADC build and guide

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