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Because of your low Range, he can easily ult you, you need to rush QSS and even with QSS your not save most of the time
Just like Malzahar
You need extreme high reaction speed to ult her damage and even if you do, she probably still oneshots you
This champ completely can bully you out of lane, but later you should be able to outscale him
Basically same as Malz and Skarner, only that u cant use your ult if you get hit by his E and you cant ult his E, because he point and click Qs you
1. She can poke you out of lane, because Xayah is mostly played with ALL IN Support without much sustain
2. She hard counters your Best Synergie champ: Rakan, because he can just Q him during his engage and he insta dies
You need good reactions to ult his ult, but if you can do it, you are fine
She is just a counter to nearly all her synergie supports, alyso, her Black shield can denie your root with E
She bullies you out of lane, because you want to play Zyra with an ALL IN support like Rakan or Alistar who got not enough sustain to play against Zyra, also Zyra is one of the supports, that can one shot you as an ADC without much counterplay, because her E goes through minions, her ult got an OP AOE field, and her Plants outdamage you for some reason.. oh.. and i forgot that her Plants can slow you too, so you cant escape from them and are an easy hit for her E, not really a playable matchup
You can ult his ult, but his hook still got stupid hitbox, so care!
In late you can ult his combo in fights, but before 6 and without ult, you are completely doomed against this champ
Outranges you, outdamages you, is easier to play, got self peel too, i guess this champ needs nerfs, also she is probably one of the best picks against Xayah/Rakan, because she just places E under herself and if Rakan engages he is dead and she gets a reset.. and then she can run you down
A bit like Zyra, but not as extreme
Xayah is probably one of the only ADCs who can deal with Rengar, but a fed Rengar is still scary, especially if you have no ult
You cant ult or flash her flash tibers, because its instant and you cant stay out of range, because you have low range as Xayah
A good Ahri knows how to bait your ult and then uses E to oneshot, but a bad Ahri will just run into you, you use ult and kill her
Can bully you out of lane and is pretty save, she even outscales you, but if you somehow managed to snowball on her she can AFK
If you play around your W, you shouldnt have that much trouble against Draven
If you cant see what the enemys are doing, you dont know when to ult, thats a FeelsBad
His combo is hard to ult, but if you can do it correct, you shouldnt get one shoted by an 0/5 Vladimir with full defensive items as you get usual when playing ADC, if Vladimir gets ahead, you cant deal with him as any ADC
Just like Draven, play around W and you got this
Even if you play it perfectly, she oneshots you anyways most of the time if she got an IQ higher then 2 because this champ is broken, but the difrence is: Only most of the time, not always like every other ADC
You can ult his counterstrike, but if he is good he can bait it out and use counterstrike after your ult, but most league players got low iq, so it should be fine
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