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Xayah Build Guide by Quoork

Middle Xayah - Middle Lane Guide

Middle Xayah - Middle Lane Guide

Updated on April 20, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Quoork Build Guide By Quoork 5 3 49,983 Views 0 Comments
5 3 49,983 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Quoork Xayah Build Guide By Quoork Updated on April 20, 2017
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Hello everyone, my name is Cork and I will introduce you to the new Xayah champion at midle lane. Why Xayah midle lane? I'm here to answer it!

Xayah is Riot an ADC, but she has real potential in midle lane thanks to her skill kit, which make her a champion with heavy damage and a good escape.

I will now be able to show you how to play Xayah, with the runes, skill and match up.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Xayah on the middle lane needs attack damage to apply a presession to his opponent.
Xayah need armor resistance against AD middle laner like Zed, Talon etc... You can also pick HP/lv
Xayah need resistance magic against middle laner like Lux, Brand Vel'koz etc...
Attack Quintessence help you alot in early game to poke you'r opponent, but if you prefer you can choose Speed Attack or Move Speed Quintessence.
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With this mastery tree, Xayah takes full advantage of these skills, the key being the thunderlord which can be activated thanks to Doubble daggers and Bladecaller, this gives you a powerspike from level 2.
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I usually use Strat 1, which passes very well against the majority of champions, but some champion can possess worries, so the start 2 allows to have some subsain and the start 3 more mobility against the champions at skillshoot.

First item youmou, helps to apply damage in early game and also helps on lane roaming in mid-game.
It is the second item that is realized just after the boots, the black cliver offers a little health and a reduction of armor not negligible when one knows that Xayah very easily applies the stacks. The gain of skill reduction times gives you more chance to kill your enemies.
Versus AP, and Higth CC
Versus AD, like Zed or talon
A pure damage item, especially use against enemies who buy physical resistance.
If no enemies have real physical resistance, it is better to go on life steal.
If you subjugate too much damage, this item can temporize them.
Against AP damage that has no AD resistance.
Against AP damage that has AD resistance.
Good HP item in all situation
Do I really need to say why?
Totally situational, replaces any defensive item when you do not need it.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Why ride the E will tell you? It is simple, the Xayah Q reduces this damage after the first target hit (and the kreep count for a first target), so mounting the E allows to inflict much more damage, the Q spell in lane phase being Present only to lay two feathers and activate the passive.

The Xayah passive allows you to create 3 feathers with each skill activation, it can store a maximum of 5 feathers, this one allows you to quickly push a lane, but also to place the feathers behind your enemies.
Because of the reduced damage to the first target, this skill will not be very useful to Xayah in Early, but during fighting in the jungle or in team, this skill is more effective.
This skill allows Xayah to be more aggressive, it gains an attack and damage speed bonus that is very powerful against the towers, but also to chase an enemies through the move speed.
The main skill of Xayah, it inflicts amazing damage, but be careful not to let you have its damage ratio according to the critic, this only increases the damage by 50 when you have 100% critical rate, so Not really effective.
This skill, avoids the majority of the most dangerous attacks of the champions in middle lane, like the ultimate of Oriana, Fizz, Zed, Lux, Vel'koz etc ...
When it is champion uses kind of skills, this offers you a way to riposte as Featherstorm places 5 pen at maximum range which can then be used to inflict heavy damage.

Some Combos :
- In team figth, use Featherstorm tu hit the most target as possible and dodge heavy CC, then use you'r Blade caller near an ennemis to OS it and deal dammage on the rest.

- Poke system : Use Doubble daggers, then use Bladecaller (that proc thuderlord)
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Pros / Cons

+ Higth Mobility
+ Ranged Champion
+ Amazing Dodge with Feathersstorm
+ Good Farmer

- Sqhishy
- Medium range
- Hard to master
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Xayah - Middle Lane Guide

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