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Ability Order
Mana Surge (PASSIVE)
Xerath Passive Ability
My idea
xeraths stats as of late game will be as follows:
3088 hp
700 ap
152.7 armor
133 magic resist
i didnt include every stat just the main stats making him tankyy, he has a good amount of health and his armor + his magic resist make him hard to kill off, partnered with his abilities for magic pen. and his high ap, you should be able to crush and not even have to unroot yourself, keeping ur pen. high
3088 hp
700 ap
152.7 armor
133 magic resist
i didnt include every stat just the main stats making him tankyy, he has a good amount of health and his armor + his magic resist make him hard to kill off, partnered with his abilities for magic pen. and his high ap, you should be able to crush and not even have to unroot yourself, keeping ur pen. high
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