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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Standart build
So I just thought hey there is already blue ez.
Why not create more colourful adc, and I chosen vayne :D.
With this build you can easily juke enemies
While you have duoble zeal, blade of the ruined king
and ofc your enchanted furor + your q.
You can easily 1v1 any other adc out there.
You also have great poke because you have trinity force
And static shiv, your q always stacks with sheen.
And your next attack will deal 150% more dmg from your ad,
At that point you want to active sword of the divine for the 100%
3 crits. First hit gonna do tons of dmg if you have infiniti edge already.
Plus you have 20 % slow chanse on hit. Juke all day **********ers#YOLO
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