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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
- An amazing farmer/pusher
- Some of the best top lane sustain in game.
- Ultimate can change the outcome of a fight.
- Great 1v1 champ.
- Can be built pretty tanky with only a couple items.
- AMAZING harass.
- Passive makes him super tanky in team fights.
- Can be Mana starved if you do not build tear/Manamune.
- No escape abilities (besides slow ghoul).
- W ghoul scales with AP and will basically only be used for the slow/bush checking late game.
- Q is great but only gives movement speed when you hit them (not when you activate it).
- Ultimate needs to be used wisely or can potentially be wasted.
So as you can see Yorick is a great overall champion and has some Cons like most champions. If you play correctly you can have some amazing moments with him.
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