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Damnation (PASSIVE)
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What's all about!
So let's see what we got:
- Ranged off tank champion
- Good Survivability
- A LOT of damage
- Good CC and lane control
- Passively gets stronger and tankier
With that in mind we can continue!
Your first and more important lesson here, don't EVER attack like a crazy hag with this Champion, all this build is focused in patience!
Your first and most important skill depends on you knowing when and how to attack!
First of all you need to train a lot to get his abilities timing so that you don't do ****!
You can practice with bots a little time and believe me, it won't hurt!
Once you get how it all works properly I can put some thoughts in your mind...
First thought is... Killing the mother fu*****
For that you'll most of all use your first skill, you can deliver a lot of damage free of mana source or cooldown any time you want, just wait till it get red and go for it! But don't try to wait it to stack in the middle of the Team Fight, your team depends on you and if you lose time waiting to get last hit or anything like that you'll be no good for them!
Use your Dark Passage skill for giving some survivability in TF and helping some team member to escape that unexpected gank that no one knows where it came from! Just throw the lantern and he will come right into your arms!
Your Flay skill is some nasty thing, it can help you a LOT or ruin you if you use it wrong! Its of very good use to dispel castings and put yourself out of danger... Or put some enemies in some too... Its basically for positioning your enemies where you want, closer or further to you!
Now its time for the Ultimate! The Box it's all about positioning, you can jump in the middle of Team Fight with Death Sentence skill and use it to deliver great damage and CC in the enemies or you can cast it to give a safer escape for your team with they need it!
Well, that's it for now! I really hope they don't nerf this great Champion till it have no more use! Hope you like it, first guide ever!
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