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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
I truely hate everything about this matchup. She outdamages you at most points, and can build one damageitem then thornmail and still oneshot you. Survive laningface if possiple. If you can kill her you have to survive til 6. She will start shield, so your q's do nothing early.

Hi, I'm moutenn, and i have been playing Zed for the last couple of years. I have played him religiously, and now have just under half a milions masterypoints on him. I love this assassin so much, and decided to make my own guide on him. I know there are a lot of guides on how to play Zed already, but i wanted to make an a bit more personal guide, with tips and tricks as a bonus. Such as cheesy tactics, and ways to deal with

This is my first in-depth guide, and i decided to make it about my main. This is because i felt that he was the champion i had the most insight in.
I plan on making more guides in the future. Some meta and some not. I like to have fun with the game, other then tryharding sometimes.
If you have any constructive feedback, or questions about Zed feel free to ask, and i will do my best to answer.
I hope you fall in love with this champion like i did, but remember that there will go some time before you get the hang of him.

Unlike assassins like

His damage is however extremely high.
You can get multiple kills (as in triple, quadra and pentakills), but you often have to focus one target at the time. Unless they all stand on top of each other.
Zed is an

Watch The Master Of Zed (LL Stylish), if you wanna observe, a guy who have nearly mastered Zed.
Here is a montage just for fun: here



Why these core items:

If you buy

The Black Cleaver, gives you CDR, and caps you at the 40% you are going for. It also helps shredding trough armor. The more you hit an enemy with your spells and aa, the less armor they will have when

Situational Items:

With this said, i do not recommend buying it before the first three, if at all. It might feel akward for some.

I rarely go this item but it is still really usefull, and i know other players who find this item a must on Zed.

Skill Sequence for Zed:
On Zed you want to max out your Q:

Summoner Spells:


Good laning phase
Strong dualist
Last hitting is easy with

Great splitpusher
High mobility
High skillcap - you can always learn new things
Can snowball hard

Really fun (my opinion)
Limited to midlane
Hard to solo carry
Can be bullied hard until level 3
Like all assassins CC is a hard counter.

Many champions have Abilities that negate

Before level 6 his

If you fall behind, its hard getting back.
Often weak teamfighter.

Contempt for the Weak

Zed's basic attacks against targets below 50% Health deal 6-10% of the target's maximum Health as bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds on the same target.
Razor Shuriken

Cost: 75/70/65/60/55 Energy
Range: 900
Zed and his shadow both throw their spinning blades forward, dealing damage to any targets they pass through.
Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing 80/115/150/185/220 (+90% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and 45/66/87/108/129 (+54% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to each additional enemy.Additional shurikens that hit the same enemy deal 25% less damage than previous shurikens.
Living Shadow

Cost: 40/35/30/25/20 Energy
Range: 650
Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for 5 seconds, and mimicking his spell casts. Zed can reactivate to swap places with the shadow.
Passive: Whenever Zed and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability, Zed gains 30/35/40/45/50 energy. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability.
Active: Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for 5 seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow.
Shadow Slash

Cost: 50 Energy
Range: 290
Zed and his shadow spin their blades, creating a burst of shadow energy. The shadow's spin slows.
Zed and his shadows slash, dealing 70/95/120/145/170 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies.Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's cooldown by 2 seconds.Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are slowed by 30/37.5/45/52.5/60% instead.
Death Mark

Cost: No Cost
Range: 625
Zed leaves a shadow behind and dashes to target Champion, marking them for death. After 3 seconds, the mark will trigger, dealing a percentage of the damage Zed has dealt while the mark was active. If the Champion dies under Death Mark, Zed can gain a portion of their attack damage.
Zed becomes untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After 3 seconds, the mark triggers, dealing physical damage equal to 100% Attack Damage + 25/35/45% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.The dash leaves a shadow behind for 6 seconds. Reactivating Death Mark causes Zed to switch positions with this shadow.
Reaper of Shadows: Zed reaps the shadow of the strongest foe slain under Death Mark, gaining 0 attack damage. ([object Object] + 5/10/15% of the victim's attack damage.)

Without R
Zed's Q

This combo is rarely worth using. You use a lot of energy and it wont prob

This combo is your main damage combo. You use it in laning phase every time your

So if you don't hit, back of and wait for your cooldowns. If you gain a lead, it will not be too punishing, because you will most likely still be able to kill them.
This is if you find a target that is not really ahead. You open with your W-E so slow, then you take your W and start hitting them. They will panic because they dont know what you are gonna do. (This is really effective against champions such as

With R
These are harder to write down because it has a lot to do with the situation, which is partly why Zed is hard to play. It all comes down to knowing what to do and when to do it.
But here are some comboes that are effective.
The line:
This combo has gotten it's name because of the way it looks. You use it to create distance between you and the opponent. This is if you are not too low, but know that you will loose if you fight them head on.
The combo goes: R-E-WW-Q-R.
There are ofcouse variations of the combo, because again there are different situations, where othere variations are better. Sometimes you Q before you W, and other times you dont have time for E, and have to W-W instantly, but mostly do as it's written down.
Combo: R-E-W-Q
With this combo, you have to stay on the target. You R and w to one of the sides. This is to fast hit all 3 Q's. Don't use this combo against champions with escapes, or wait for them to be on cooldowns.
You should try to send out the shadow behind them, so if they try and get away and your 3 Q's aren't enough, you can take your W

A variation of this combo that LL Stylish uses often. You R, and just AA and AA, until deathmark is about to pop. Then you instantly W-E-Q. You do this because players will try and juke the second you R. If you hold on to it, they will try and juke, but you will get in free AA's. It also makes them use their escape before you W.
The LL Stylish
Combo: W-R-E-Q-(W or R)
This combo is used against champions with impactfull skillshots, that can matter in or not you get the kill. This is mostly stuns, and other crowd control.
Ever since the chance to his R

Wall Combo
The combo: W-R-W-E-Q
Use this combo over a wall. You W over a wall then R a target. When you reapear instantly take your W and Q and E them from the other side. If they survive, you can take your r back, to get in one last AA before flashing away (if there are more)
You should try these comboes out, and find out which ones you like, and when to use them. I do recommend having them all in the back of your head, to pull out and amaze your team by outplaying everyone.

Teamfighting with Zed can be difficult, and is one thing new Zed's often avoid. This is understanderble, and if you are more of the splitpush kind of guy that is mostly fine. You should train your teamfighting skills. I will say im not much of a teamfighter, but there are some things you can do.
If you are ahead, it should be easy, getting a pick before a fight. Then use your combo to poke. If you hit a squishy target, they will most likely get blown up. Then pursuit with your team, and clean up.
If you are behind, you want do as much damage. Therefor your poking is going to do a lot less. But you should still be able to kill their ADC. If possible do this. If not stay with you team and help them, or splitpush instead. Splitpushing will get you a lot of gold, a lot of solo XP, and their team can not ignore you. If they do you will get ateast one tower, and free gold. If you a in the game (not behind nor ahead), you should be able to 1v1 mostly anyone. Unless they are really ahead. In this case just run, they cant catch you. If they are not ahead. Try and kill them then get the tower. It is best if they need atleast 2 to kill you. Then your team will be fighting a 4v3.

Zeds Q

Your E

Your W

(Not really casttime), but remember that Zed can't jump back to your ULT's shadow before 0,5 seconds. Your R


Remember that in lane, you can all-in in to ways. Open with R or open with W. Here is the trick: just send out your combo (open with W), and land it. They want exhaust you here, because you have been sending out comboes the entire time. Therefor if you land it and you decide to try and all in, just take your W and R. At this point they should be low enough that their exhaust want even matter. Ignite does what it does, and

Zhonya's hourglass

There are usually 4 different ways people will try and use

Remember, that after you have found out which your enemy uses, they will most likely keep using that for the entire game. Thats usually how it works.
1): They will

Counter: This is the hardest because it simply removes your R. However when they hourglass, just position yourself, to be ready with your shadow your R shadow and yourself. Time your

2): They will use

Counter: In this case you should be fine. Just burst them as much as you can, then when they use hourglass they will be so low it wont matter, unless their team is around.
3): They will use

Counter: If they do this you will most likely get surprised the first time. Its rare that people do this but if you are against a person who does this, just ult and keep AAing. They will have to use hourglass at one point, else they will just die of of

4): They will screw up and take all the damage.
You dont have to counter anything here, except dont use your Q's and E's when they are in

Remember you can juke stuff with your R. You should try and do this when fighting.

Essentially, the syndrome is that people will try and for example juke your Q's at any cost. This allows you to ult a target. Then they will panic and start sidestepping like mad men. Back and forth and to the sides. However they dont create any distance from you. While they are sidestepping you are just AA'ing and E'ing them. They only respect your Q's, but when you

In other words sometimes you should hold your q's for a while. A variation of this, is where you just wait with your Q's to right before deathmark pop's. This is usefull in the fact that you get a lot of free damage of before your Q's that they wont respect.
"The Zed syndrome" also works with your R. If you engage on lets say a

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