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Runes: Option I
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
can counterjungle you effectively
can help set your ganks up and defend you late
can help set your ganks up and defend you late
Champion Build Guide
- AP Damage dealer in the lategame
- enemys will misstake you for midlaner in the pick and ban Phase
- Strong jugle clear and sustain with
Hunter's Potion
Satchel Charge can execute
Tower under 25% HP without any CD,exept for the one of the abitlity itself
Mega Inferno Bomb has an amazing range and can thereby help to effect a Botlane fight, steal Objectives or something else from a bg distance.
- Very easy to counterjungle
- Weak early jungle clear
- Very mana hungry
- Bad neutral Objective controll
- you need to show these fancy feet when kiting on these jungle creeps
- reliant on luring these monions into your
Hexplosive Minefield
If you haven't mastred this, do not try it in ranked.
Still it works and is very fun to play. I was acctually playing with some friends, and simply wanted to show them it was possible, got accused of trolling during champ select, but eventually ended up with 11/1/10, getting an S- and carrying my Team.
I lokked it up and found barely any guides on Ziggs Jungle, so here is mine.

Be carefull to use the Cooldown lowering of your

I'm still working on it, so there are likley better ways to do this, but I'll updtae as soon as I've got time to look into this.
I then ususally check for the

Watch to use your

If he's there you can either rush to your other side of the jungle and take the one you haven't taken jet (see above).
After this you want to go for the other big buff, eventually beeing lvl 3, having a point in

You can look for ganks, if your're in good shape HP wise.
You gank by tryng to slow the enemy down with

As soon as you get back get

Rush your

You don't want to invade, as long as youre not far ahead.
So powerfarming Jungle and/or going for ganks is the way to go here.

Because of all your AOE, your teamfight is very strong, if you manage to not be the on they engage on, if that happens, try to jump away with

Your Objective controll is poorly, only with somone tanking for you, you're able to make things happen.
Still your Teamfighting is quiet strong, you demolish

I`m morlix98, a german lol player, main supp and jungle.
I`ve been around roughly since season 3, but skipped one or two until today.
I started out as Support and Jungle, as I totaly sucked at farming.
After some time I found my personal favorite in the Armordillo

I then started to main him and had a winrate about 66 - 70% for most of the time.
At tome point a friend dared my I was not able to make

Have fun
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