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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
A good shaco can really mess up your start if you ain't careful. Place wards so you maintain vision of your surrounding.

Hello and Welcome to my Zyra Jungle guide, I hope this guide will help you learning the funniest and best jungler for season 5.
So who am I? I'm Gribblurk, one of the best Zyra junglers in the world. I have been maining Zyra Jungle almost since her release so I got lots of experience with her in jungle. I have over 1000 ranked games as Zyra and was ranked as #24 Zyra world last season.
I stream my Zyra jungling almost everyday at for thoose who are interested.
High Burst Damage (Can 1-combo entire enemy team if played correctly.)
Much CC, very control, wow teamfights.
Can use seeds for Vision
Great Pokes
Squissy (Use your range and plants to keep them at distance, if they come to close throw everything at them and activate zhonyas)
No Escape
Huge lack of Mobility - Don't throw your spells randomly. Your kit is meant to compensate for your lack of mobility.

Rise of the Thorns (Passive)
Upon death, Zyra returns to her plant form. After 2 seconds, she can press any ability to fire a Vengeful Thorn towards her cursor, dealing 81 + (19 × current level) true damage to each enemy it strikes.
Don't stress, you got 8 seconds to aim. Remember that there is a slight delay on it.
Deadly Bloom
Deadly Bloom (Q)
Zyra grows a bud at target location. After a brief delay it explodes, launching damaging thorns at all nearby enemies dealing 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+65% of ability power) magic damage to enemies within the area. If cast on a seed, Deadly Bloom grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar dealing magic damage. Lasts 10 seconds.
TLDR: A small circle of damage with a short delay, giving you the time to use your W to place seed directly into that circle. When you hit your seed (W)

Rampant Growth (W)
Passive: Zyra gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% cooldown reduction.
Active:Zyra plants a seed, granting vision of an area for up to 30 seconds. Other spells cast on seeds will turn them into plants who fight for Zyra. They do 23 + (6.5 x level) (+20% of ability power) damage. Each plant attacking the same target does 50% reduced damage.
Zyra stores a seed every 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 seconds and can hold up to a maximum of 2. Zyra can plant a maximum of 4 at a time.

Grasping Roots (E)
Zyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her target, dealing 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+50% of ability power) magic damage and rooting enemies they come across for 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 seconds.
If cast on a seed, Grasping Roots grows a Vine Lasher, whose short range attacks deals 23 + (6.5 x Zyra’s level)(20% AP) magic damage per hit, and slows by 30% for 2 seconds.

Stranglethorns (R)
Zyra summons a twisted thicket at a target location, dealing 180 / 265 / 350 (+75% of ability power) magic damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne as it contracts. Plants in the area are enraged, increasing their Attack Speed by 50 %.
So make sure you got your seeds

Okey, let's beging with HOW TO CLEAR JUNGLE.
Zyra is squissy, so make sure you start with your botlane.
You start with your Q and smite then upgrade your W after you reach level 2.

Go up to red/blue without engaging it, put your seed where the big creep stands, then place Zyra inbetween the two smaller creeps then press Q to activate seed and use your basics on the big creep.
That way your plant is only taking damage from big creep and you from the small, leading to almost 0 hp loss while clearing jungle. Just repeat the step again when the plant have lost it's HP.
This tecnique is vital for jungling with Zyra and can be repeated over all jungle camps, just make sure your plant is only tanking dmg from big creeps.
When you get the grip of it, you will totally enjoy clearing jungle with Zyra because you won't loose much mana or hp doing it like this.
Zyra is squissy, so make sure you start with your botlane.
You start with your Q and smite then upgrade your W after you reach level 2.

Go up to red/blue without engaging it, put your seed where the big creep stands, then place Zyra inbetween the two smaller creeps then press Q to activate seed and use your basics on the big creep.
That way your plant is only taking damage from big creep and you from the small, leading to almost 0 hp loss while clearing jungle. Just repeat the step again when the plant have lost it's HP.
This tecnique is vital for jungling with Zyra and can be repeated over all jungle camps, just make sure your plant is only tanking dmg from big creeps.
When you get the grip of it, you will totally enjoy clearing jungle with Zyra because you won't loose much mana or hp doing it like this.
But that is dangerous and not recommended. Better land a sucessful gank at botlane then move onto drake with them :)
After clearing some jungle it's time to gank.
If I start frog I usually go this order Frog < Blue < Wolves < Gank mid (?) < Red < Gank top (?) < 1 or 2 small jungle camps before B depending on how ganks went.
If mid is pushed by enemy team the time you have cleared wolves you can go try gank by coming up from behind the enemy and use your snare + plant combo (E-W-W-Q).
If they still has flash, it can be a good idea to only use Q-W first forcing them to flash and then use your E-W on them to snare and slow them with your plant.
Otherwise just continue with red and move towards toplane to see if you can make a gank.
I usually try wait in bush at river and wait until they have used their escapes to engage or something like that, making it a easy target for my Snare + Plant combo.
(You press W twice before the Q hits so you activate seeds directly)
Deadly Bloom
Deadly Bloom
If I start frog I usually go this order Frog < Blue < Wolves < Gank mid (?) < Red < Gank top (?) < 1 or 2 small jungle camps before B depending on how ganks went.
If mid is pushed by enemy team the time you have cleared wolves you can go try gank by coming up from behind the enemy and use your snare + plant combo (E-W-W-Q).
If they still has flash, it can be a good idea to only use Q-W first forcing them to flash and then use your E-W on them to snare and slow them with your plant.
Otherwise just continue with red and move towards toplane to see if you can make a gank.
I usually try wait in bush at river and wait until they have used their escapes to engage or something like that, making it a easy target for my Snare + Plant combo.
(You press W twice before the Q hits so you activate seeds directly)
Deadly Bloom

I advice you to save your ULTI for ganking botlane, using E - W - Q - W - R in a quick combo trying to hit both enemies. If you succeed you'll get rewarded by a free drake!
The narrower spaces the better, since you are gonna try aim for hitting as many with your Snare ulti combo (Q-W-E-W-R really fast) to delete enemy team.
Don't waste your ulti for a single kill if not really needed since it's so valuable in teamfights with all that AOE. Use it when your tank engages and takes the aggro.
If you are fed you can delete entire team with 1 combo if done correctly so practise that ulti :)
Don't waste your ulti for a single kill if not really needed since it's so valuable in teamfights with all that AOE. Use it when your tank engages and takes the aggro.
If you are fed you can delete entire team with 1 combo if done correctly so practise that ulti :)

Dravens high damage and global ulti makes him perfect for picking up kills in teamfight after your snare ulti combination.

Leona is the support that I find the most useful together with Zyra, she makes the best engages for my snare ulti combination.

Zyras plants and knockup make Yasuo the perfect midlaner, Yasuo can simply pick his target. Balancing out the AP jungle with some AD at midlane.

Malphite, great tank with CC that makes great engages for Zyra.

With a team comp like this, you are doing something terribly wrong if you loose. You got all you need for a victory. Just make sure you take advantage of your CC in teamfights.
Thank you for reading, if you wanna see some Zyra jungle in action at higher elo you can join in at my STREAM anytime you want :D
If you got any constructive critics, feedback on my guide or just a question don't be afraid to write :)
Good luck with your jungling!
If you got any constructive critics, feedback on my guide or just a question don't be afraid to write :)
Good luck with your jungling!

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