Yeah, shoot for a Banshee's Veil. Really, tankplank is too much of a sacrifice of damage. Atmogs doesn't help with Parrrley, I don't think, because it doesn't increase your damage, it's just the stat is applied on your attacks, but not counted in your attack score.
Either that, or Atma's Impaler is the weirdest worded item in the game.
I think my build is a decent mix of versatility, survivability, and damage.
Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Mobility Boots Bloodthirster Last Whisper Banshee's Veil
Gangplank is not an offtank. Build a decent amount of defense, but focusing on defense kinda makes you worthless. I really don't think "tankplank" is the better choice to dps/crit.
Either that, or Atma's Impaler is the weirdest worded item in the game.
I think my build is a decent mix of versatility, survivability, and damage.
Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Mobility Boots Bloodthirster Last Whisper Banshee's Veil
Gangplank is not an offtank. Build a decent amount of defense, but focusing on defense kinda makes you worthless. I really don't think "tankplank" is the better choice to dps/crit.
Or you could try thisun:
Banshee's Veil Trinity Force Manamune Black Cleaver Bloodthirster Ninja Tabi
Banshee's Veil Trinity Force Manamune Black Cleaver Bloodthirster Ninja Tabi
I don't care about my rep, but you can +rep if you want to.
Keels wrote:
Or you could try thisun:
Banshee's Veil Trinity Force Manamune Black Cleaver Bloodthirster Ninja Tabi
Atmogs doesn't help with Parrrley, I don't think, because it doesn't increase your damage, it's just the stat is applied on your attacks, but not counted in your attack score.
Bigger fail
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a) posts about the game
b) current world affairs" - steel-sentry
As Searz so eloquently put, I'm pretty sure atmogs increases your attack damage value. The in-game stat on your champion changes, just like building an Archangel's Staff.
Also, I will never build a Manamune on Gangplank as I think it is a great big waste of money, since I rarely have any mana problems. Not a fan of Black Cleaver either since I play more bursty crit and less sustained DPS. Black Cleaver is better suited to a champion (or player) who relies more on autoattacks.
Searz, I think I've seen you recommend a tankier gangplank once before. Is there a good reason that this build is used?
Also, I will never build a Manamune on Gangplank as I think it is a great big waste of money, since I rarely have any mana problems. Not a fan of Black Cleaver either since I play more bursty crit and less sustained DPS. Black Cleaver is better suited to a champion (or player) who relies more on autoattacks.
Searz, I think I've seen you recommend a tankier gangplank once before. Is there a good reason that this build is used?
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
As long as you can get a lotta farm going for you (using parley for dat extra gold) tankplank is really viable. Atmogs make you tanky, gives you attack, and crit chance to boot. After that I would probably get a BT or Triforce sometime and another item of your choice/
Searz wrote:
Bigger fail
I was thinking the same thing when glancing through lol...
tanky plank is AWESOME...and he still carries
2 tanky items (SFC and BV)
build Chandro told me and it seems to work wonders, in game and mathematically
think of it
you are survivable, especially with ur W cleanse
atma scales off AD from SFC and BV so you get +50 ish with that
(you don't need Warmog to warrant an atma's, lol)
proc from TF with parley, sooo sexy (plus its stats ofc)
mercs for ultimate CC reduce
and IE for crit chance, AD, and passive ofc
60%ish crit chance
use your E for more Ad
around 300 AD with E
crit parley with this build, over 1k damage if you E first
since you will get crit ofc, with IE passive, plus parley's damage, plus TF proc = win
nuff said.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
No room for arpen in that build, but I'm sure I could take out banshee's veil or something if need be. I think I would still take warmogs over sunfire cape though, as I'm not always in the fray enough for the aura to be useful, plus I get armor from atma's. Not to mention Gangplank farms like a beast by midgame, so warmog's is quite easy to stack up.
What about attack speed though? Especially with his new stacking poison, this build doesn't seem to offer a lot of AS, just the Zeal from triforce.
Seems pretty good in theory. I might keep this build in reserve in case my team's lacking in CC or a tank or something. I still think I would opt for more crit and AS, but I'll definitely try out tankplank.
What about attack speed though? Especially with his new stacking poison, this build doesn't seem to offer a lot of AS, just the Zeal from triforce.
Seems pretty good in theory. I might keep this build in reserve in case my team's lacking in CC or a tank or something. I still think I would opt for more crit and AS, but I'll definitely try out tankplank.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
wRAthoFVuLK wrote:
2 tanky items (SFC and BV)
Nah, I just wanted to follow through on that :3
SFC works, but is suboptimal. You'll want Warmog or Ghostblade more.
PsiGuard wrote:
What about attack speed though?
AS marks are great for junglers. You'll also pretty much have enough from just TF and the Ghostblade active. It's 55% combined after all.
Searz, I think I've seen you recommend a tankier gangplank once before. Is there a good reason that this build is used?
He's melee. Sure Q, but it's not enough. Melee=needs bulk.
The moment a religious person unknowingly calls his own ways stupid: "And lol. I highly doubt you have magic powers. If you proved it I would believe you, but since you 'refuse to', I choose not to."
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My question is, why is "Tankplank" such a better choice than a simple DPS/crit build? I don't see many Tryndamere builds going atmogs for tanky offense (granted, Trynd has his OP ult).
The build I usually use goes something like this:
Doran's Shield
Avarice Blade
B. F. Sword
Boots of Swiftness
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Bloodthirster or Last Whisper (if they stack armor)
I know some of these items aren't always ideal (Last Whisper conflicts a bit with the flat arpen from Ghostblade), but I'm not really asking for a criticism of my build. I'm wondering what why a more offensive build like this is less effective than warmogs+atma's+veil. As a crit-monster, shouldn't Gangplank be aiming for as much damage potential as possible, harrassing with parrrley then springing in for the kill? Is he an offtank? Or are both of these builds equally viable and I'm imagining that no one else builds him glass dps?