Order Type: The Test
guide url: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/our-most-awakened-inclination-support-karma-401625
description: support Karma guide! recently updated a few things (added a match-up section, working on a few other updates), nothing all that exciting.
guide url: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/our-most-awakened-inclination-support-karma-401625
description: support Karma guide! recently updated a few things (added a match-up section, working on a few other updates), nothing all that exciting.
Order Type: You can do "The Test" if you don't feel like doing "The Harvard", but I'd like the latter.
Guide URL: Time To Shine
Description: extensive-ish Support Leona, updated for S5 <:
Guide URL: Time To Shine
Description: extensive-ish Support Leona, updated for S5 <:
Order Type: The Test
guide url: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/qzasters-recipe-for-dzaster-feat-katarina-5-1-407438
description: Mid-Lane Katarina guide, tried to make it entertaining and easy to read for new players.
guide url: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/qzasters-recipe-for-dzaster-feat-katarina-5-1-407438
description: Mid-Lane Katarina guide, tried to make it entertaining and easy to read for new players.
No problem Qzaster!
Just as a side note, I have changed the "Use of art" sub-topic to the "Aesthetics" sub-topic. This actually was a recommendation of Miss Maw, of whom got a lower then average score on the sub-topic due to not having alot of art in her quide, but it still being very aesthetically pleasing.
This change will not affect Nameless's score, but I will more then likely revisit Maw's guide, and give her an updated score.
EDIT: I have also updated the grammar sub-topic.
Just as a side note, I have changed the "Use of art" sub-topic to the "Aesthetics" sub-topic. This actually was a recommendation of Miss Maw, of whom got a lower then average score on the sub-topic due to not having alot of art in her quide, but it still being very aesthetically pleasing.
This change will not affect Nameless's score, but I will more then likely revisit Maw's guide, and give her an updated score.
EDIT: I have also updated the grammar sub-topic.
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The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
b-but...I put so much work into my aesthetics even if I don't have a lot of artwork.... x.x
The reason why it isnt affecting your score is because your review is a test, whereas Maw's is a Harvard. If I were to update your score, the amount would be minimal (as in 2 or 3 points).
Another sig I have to thank Emikadon for. :)
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!
Ugh.......why did I leave MOBAFire for so long? 2015 was a pretty busy year for me, getting a new career and what not. So, that's probably why.
Anyway, to recap, its been a year since I last logged into MOBAFire........yeah.....a year. I was wanting this thread to pick up steam, for it seemed like my format for guide reviews was actually well received (both times I had it up), but life got in the way. Hey, it happens.
But, here we are now, with yet another reopening.
For those of you that may still be around that happened to ask for a review so long ago, I apologize that I never got to them. If your guide still exists, just ask again, and I'll be happy to do a review for you. But, if you don't, I will disregard the requests that were given to me a year ago (ugh......makes me feel bad for saying that).
Also, due to my schedule being quite hectic, I may only be able to get to one guide a day, if that. Please, do not be surprised if I do not get to your guide right away, and just be patient (hopefully, you won't have to wait a year like Embracing and utopus!I'm so sorry)
I have removed the standard format, for I believe it will never be used. My original intent was to have some from of review for people who had yet to finish their guide, but still wanted some advice on it. However, I've come to realize that that is quite useless.
In its place will be the "Free" reviews! These are basically my main tool of advertisement, and my way to bring some publicity to those certain guides that are quite decent, but don't really get the attention they deserve. Those "diamonds-in-the-rough" you might say.
- Must be level 30 (doesn't matter what elo you are in)
- Guide must be a minimum of 3 days old
- Must follow review request form
Guide URL: (you MUST provide the URL. If you have it linked in your signature, that is fine)
Description: (give a very brief summary/description of your guide)
The Test: This review will have a total score of 100 points, divided amongst 3 categories: Presentation(40 points), Grammar/Spelling(30 points), and Organization(30 points). If you receive 50 points or less, you shall receive a down vote with your score. If you receive 51 points to 75, you shall get no vote whatsoever. If you receive 76 points or more, you shall receive an upvote, and even a +Rep if you get 95 or higher. I will also give details as to what you did well and what could be improved on in each category. You can compare this to an everyday school test.
"Free" reviews: In order to generate publicity for my shop, I go around searching the guides for interesting and potential guides in order to receive a "free" review. These guides will not be chosen if they are a featured guide, or one of the popular guides of the week. I will use The Test format for these reviews, however, there are a couple special rules to them:
1: The guides chosen will be exempt from receiving a downvote, regardless of the review score. This does not guarantee an upvote or a +Rep, however.
2: Guide authors have the option to message me and ask for the review to be removed if they did not want a review in the first place, or they are unhappy with the review.
How are you eligible for a "free" review? Well, just make a guide! I can't guarantee that I will see it, but I know other people will and give their own opinion on your guide. Who knows, you may have a hidden talent inside of you!
The Harvard: This review is my most in depth, having a total score of 1000 points. It is divided into the same 3 categories as The Test, but each category is divided into their own sub-categories.
(To let everyone know, it will be nearly impossible to get a perfect score on this topic without a very extensive spell check. The points deducted, however, will not be enough to not get a +rep)