Searz wrote:
That's a lot of unnecessary coding.
^that should work fine.
Ah, true.
I'm not using [u] tho.
The problem with that would be that it puts them another line higher up and makes them a little more visible (since I have that at the top of a chapter).
I'll probably use it tho, since shorter coding is always nice.
I'm not using [u] tho.
The problem with that would be that it puts them another line higher up and makes them a little more visible (since I have that at the top of a chapter).
I'll probably use it tho, since shorter coding is always nice.
The moment a religious person unknowingly calls his own ways stupid: "And lol. I highly doubt you have magic powers. If you proved it I would believe you, but since you 'refuse to', I choose not to."
Just make your main icons bigger to lower the underlined space.
♡ guide writing tips 'n tricks ♡ ashes to ashes ♡ fancy a sig? ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
No, that won't work good. The icons are 64x64 and having a size that is larger than that would make them look bad.
"Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends." - Albert Bandura
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
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[center][columns][icon=Meki pendant size=64]
[color=dodgerblue][b]Meki Pendant[/b][/color]
Super sustain. With this and Strength of Spirit you can lane indefinitely. Take this if you think you'll need mana to spam spells more. This is the starting item you'll want most of the time.
[nextcol][icon=Sapphire Crystal size=64]
[color=blue][b]Sapphire Crystal[/b][/color]
This is also for your sustainability. Sapphire Crystal increases your HP5 by 2 with Strength of Spirit . Take this if you think you need HP-reg more than you need mana-reg.[/columns]
[icon=Health Potion size=64][icon=Health Potion size=64]
2 [color=red][b]Health Potions[/b][/color]
Obviously for more sustainability.[/center]
Adjust the black lines (the part I've underlined) to the length you'd like.
Edit: Oh, lol. The underlines are invisible when underlined D:
But I hope you understand what I mean.
Also note the "+" before the pots, but that's pretty simple.