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Abysmal Rankeds and Where to Find Them

Creator: Sirhappee August 4, 2016 10:40am
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2016 10:40am | Report
I've been looking for a way to keep track of my games and what I did well/poorly in each, and this seemed like a good way to do it. I don't expect anyone to read this (it really won't be very exciting), but if for whatever reason you want to and have any comments, I'll be happy to hear them.

So, my first four ranked games (in this thread... I'll just pretend the previous 150+ never happened):

Very bad game on my part. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I've ever laned against a Xerath. I looked up his abilities during loading so I at least knew what he can do, but I didn't really have a feel for how much things hurt, how hard they were to dodge, etc. so it didn't go too well. Our whole team was also very disorganized and quite toxic. Just a bad game overall.

Not much honestly. I think my roaming was alright, but since we basically lost every fight all game it didn't matter much.

Pretty much everything. Poor CS because I couldn't deal with Xerath's poke, and didn't play safely enough once they were ahead which lead to a few pointless deaths.

Normally I'd use this part to vent about annoying things other people did, but frankly I did badly enough this game that I won't bother.

A more average game. I absolutely hate playing against Olaf, and he got an early double from a bad gank which made laning pretty miserable (and really meant he was the only threat to our team all game). Eventually I outscaled him though and I ended up doing alright. None of that really mattered though because Ezreal and Lucian were so fed.

I cam back pretty well mid-late from a rough early game. I also used Teleport efficiently to improve my map presence.

Didn't play safely enough early, which gave Olaf his early lead. CS also could have been better.

So we had a Zed support -_-. This guy is assigned support, but in the lobby he picks Zed (who our actual mid lander had already selected) and says he's going mid no matter what. When the game started he went bot lane though and initially actually did ok, not so much later.

Yay, I can finally write about a game when I actually did well :D. Too bad it was a loss (feels like most games I do well are...). Not really my fault though- our Tristana was DC'ed for the first several minutes of the game and then played waaay too aggressively for someone who was behind, so their bot lane got quite fed. Their Sejuani jungle and Illaoi top were also too strong. I completely destroyed Ekko mid though and had a great early game, but I couldn't do much once teamfights started and we got blown up every time.

Great early game including some fairly good roams bot. Also, apparently I had 87% kill participation 0_0.

I struggled in teamfights because I got locked down by their CC ( Sona and Sejuani ults in particular). Both are avoidable, so I should get better at dodging those.

Connection problems suck :(. Also, why do Yasuo players like making excuses so much (this one was an ok-ish player too, but whenever he made an error he just had to come up with some excuse). And why can't people learn not to fight inside Illaoi's ult?

Another great game for me. Another loss. The Malphite was new to LoL and his duo partner Tryndamere was literally teaching him what champions did during the game. To be fair though, he actually didn't do that badly (arguably better than the Tryndamere, who really liked diving 1v5 and then asking us why he kept dying). Twisted Fate was an easy lane so I got an early lead and got to roam a lot.

I got pretty fed in early-mid game which let me roam heavily and have great map presence, including a nice double kill bot at 20 minutes. The resulting 68% kill participation and highest damage of anybody (by a large margin) were nice too.

I could have done better in lane; my CS was marginally lower than Twisted Fate's though I had a first kill to compensate for it, but their jungler killed me shortly afterwards so I didn't get much free CS from it. I seem to recall being pretty pushed up, so I should be more careful about that, especially before I get a pink ward to get vision on both sides of the lane.

I'm a little annoyed about both the novice Malphite and the overly aggressive Tryndamere, but honestly it was a fairly fun game so it wasn't too bad. Really aggravating to do really well two games in a row and still lose both though.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 7:08am | Report
Another day, another demonstration that the universe hates me.

LeBlanc is always a bad lane for Ahri, but when your bot lane and jungle decide to overextend after you call MIA on her and give her a free double kill at 6 minutes, it becomes pretty unbearable. But even that might have been ok if the opposing Jhin, Lux, Master Yi and Cassiopeia weren't all fed too.


I think a did a decent job laning against LeBlanc actually. I threw a lot of Qs over both her and her return pad so she got hit even when she tried to teleport to safety.


I guess I should have followed LB bot when I saw her heading that way, which might have prevented the double kill and changed how the game went. Or it might not have, since I wasn't much of a threat to her. I probably could also have played safer later.


Everybody was actually surprisingly chill about getting destroyed, so I can't complain. Would have been nice if they didn't get stomped on in the first place though.

I finally succeeded in carrying a game. To be fair, my team was pretty decent overall ( Zac in particular was quite good), but I still went 15/1/14 with 69% kill participation, so I think it's a fair assessment. We actually nearly threw this though and our Thresh wanted to resign, but Zac and I persuaded everyone to group up and we won a few minutes later.


A lot of things, for once. I did well in lane, roamed well, and even did a decent job in teamfights I think, which I'm often bad at.


Apparently I only placed one Pink ward the whole game. The game moved around a lot, so that was dumb. We probably could have won much faster if I was more aggressive at times, since we had a huge early lead but their tankiness became very painful in late game. I also forgot to back for ages at the beginning of the game: I had nothing but a Lost Chapter, an Amplifying Tome, and Doran's Ring at 23 minutes. Oh, and 6k gold. Whoops.


This game was beautiful. Though I don't know why the hell Thresh wanted to resign when we were up 3 towers, 5 dragons, and a lot of kills, or something like that.

Another attempt by me to carry, but sadly not a successful one. Unfortunately our bot lane wasn't very good, so their Varus was terribly fed for most of the game and made sieging really difficult for us. I probably could have played better to make this into a win, since it was close, but at 20/7/14 I guess I'm alright with my performance.


I made a number of good roams and did decently well in teamfights.


I had a somewhat rough first few minutes; Vel'Koz isn't a bad lane for Ahri, but he hurts hard before 6 and I need more practice dodging his skillshots (I'm pretty sure I improved during this game actually; he hit me a lot early but very rarely later). Also, only one pink again. I guess I forget about pinks when I'm doing really well, which is bad.


I'm fairly sure we would have won this if our bot lane hadn't fed Varus quite so much (he was 7/1 early in the game, or something like that). Also, can people please learn not to fight inside of Illaoi's ult zone?
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 7:39am | Report
Sirhappee wrote:

"Support" Teemo with Ignite and Teleport and Shyvana without Flash.
FTFY :^)
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 7:55am | Report
Ekki wrote:

"Support" Teemo with Ignite and Teleport and Shyvana without Flash.

FTFY :^)

Good catch, I forgot about that.

Also, AP runes on Jinx.

And Windspeaker's Blessing on Teemo.

And so on.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 9:22pm | Report
Alright, third day. An interesting one (for me), actually.

Another attempt by me to carry, another failure. I have an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. (Is there a way to add accents to text by the way?) The team was nice enough and not too bad, Dr. Mundo in particular was quite solid (seems like I often get decent junglers). He usually called the shots, which I was ok with because I'm too convinced that I'm an incompetent player to do it myself, and I thought he did alright. A close, fun game, but, yet again, I feel like if I was just a little better I could have won... Their Cho'Gath was really good, which was the main reason they won I think.


I got a decent early lead and I think my roaming was alright (though not the best I've done either). Decent job in teamfights I think. I also did a better job warding than the last few times.


My damage was oddly low, which might mean I was too cautious. I might look at a replay later just for this, because it's bothering me quite a bit. ( Brand wasn't even very good, but apparently his damage was about 50% higher than mine... not sure how.)


Can't complain too much really. The Lulu made some really obvious mistakes (and if a mistake is obvious to me, that's a bad sign) but she didn't feed at least, even if she didn't help much either (lots of randomly ulting me when I was neither low nor in the frontline...).

I teamed up with the Cho'Gath from the previous game, and I'm lucky I did. The enemy team comp was honestly hell for me ( Malzahar mid was the worst part- whyyy does he have a point-and-click insta-kill?- and a ton of additional cc from Leona and Morgana) and I was being derpy so I did very badly. To be fair, pretty much everyone except Cho'Gath did, but he was so fed he easily carried us.


Honestly, not much. I think I did decently enough at the very beginning, though that didn't last long.


Didn't play nearly safe enough. I got 100-0'ed by Malzahar 2 or 3 times and I got caught by Mordekaiser at low health a couple more. I also should have built more MR, but I think I was a little cocky from how I did the previous game. Also, I need to learn how Mordekaiser works, I have only a vague idea of what he does.


Pretty much everything that happened outside of top lane was a mess. So thank you again Cho'Gath.

I honestly don't have much to say about this game because nothing mattered except for our 1/10 Vladimir. Their Renekton got so fed that he had no trouble 1v3ing our team, and he probably could have 1v5ed us if he had got the chance. I told my team we just needed to stall because he would fall off late, but they surrendered over my no vote.


I think I did fine in terms of laning and roaming bot.


So the obvious answer would be that I should have been saving our top lane. From what I remember though, I found that I simply had no opportunities to do so. I knew I couldn't 1v1 an early game Renekton and since Vladimir was always dead, the only option was our jungler, and that was hard to coordinate in a SoloQ game. Still, maybe we could have saved top lane, I don't know.


{Insert a very long sequence of swear words directed at Vladimir here.} (I was polite in-game though.) This was the first time I ever reported somebody for intentional feeding without them openly admitting/threatening it, simply because he continued to fight and die even after we repeatedly told him to just hide under turret and let us help him. GAAAAH!

I would call this a successful carry, but, to be fair, that's overstating my role. I definitely helped our team out a lot, but this game was insanely long, insanely close, and by the end all that really mattered was that Twitch could kill anyone nearly instantly. Still, it felt good to win with both nexus turrets down, mainly due to good team coordination (thank you Xin Zhao) but also because the other team didn't know how to backdoor (though, at least in theory, we were always prepared in case they did).


This was a rare case when I actually think I did better late than early. I'll get to my early mistakes in a moment, but in late game I think I did a pretty good job picking off opponents and occasionally assassinating Ashe and Katarina. Also, my damage was essentially equal to Twitch's, so I guess I did a decent job dealing AoE damage to their team overall.


Their Katarina was frankly not very good, and I should have played more aggressively and crushed her early, but she was playing pretty carefully and I'm a little scared of Katarinas due to bad experiences against smurfs playing her. I also did something insanely derpy: I knew it was possible she was hiding in the bot river bush, but I wanted to save my ward and I did a quick estimate and decided that she couldn't have arrived yet so I facechecked it. I died. Why in the world I didn't check it with a Q is beyond me. Derp.


Considering how intense the game was and how well we came back, I really can't complain. There definitely were some rough moments, which is why we almost lost- but we didn't, so all is forgiven.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 2:27pm | Report

Just a terrible game overall. Our bot lane fed Vayne until she was like 10/1 and there was frankly not much any of us could do about it. The Yasuo was decent and shut her down a few times, but overall the game was pretty hopeless.


Not much. I did fairly well in lane I guess.


I had a number of pointless deaths in mid-late game, mainly from being too far forward (or, more accurately, being in what is normally a fine position but is suicide when there's an enemy Nautilus). I also probably should have roamed more, especially considering how badly bot was going. From what I remember, by the time I was considering roaming bot lane already looked fairly hopeless and I didn't want to give Vayne even more kills.


The Kalista did absolutely horribly and spent the whole game blaming everyone else for it. I probably should have just muted her because it was annoying, though I generally don't really care what people say.

WEEEEE! I don't remember the last time I had so much fun in a game lol. Our bot lane fed pretty badly early but Azir was terrible so I also got insanely fed and largely turned the game around (though Olaf and Aurelion Sol were good too, and even our bot lane contributed later on). I played really aggressively later, which led to some awesome plays (I have a passion for Flash+ Charms) but also to a few needless deaths. It didn't matter though, their team resigned pretty quickly.


I crushed Azir in laning phase and had a lot of great roams. I think I did a relatively good job focusing on objectives, though I could have managed them even better.


If I had been more aggressive early I probably could have gotten even more fed. On the other hand, being less aggressive later would almost certainly have saved me a few deaths.


Our Heimerdinger support. We asked him not to troll pick but he said he was amazing and then boasted about how he and Jhin would crush their double-ADC-bot lane (what was up with that anyway?). They started 0/4. Ugh.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 7:59pm | Report

I got top, which hasn't happened in quite a while, and unfortunately I was first pick. I hate picking Malphite first because there are so many counters to him, so I went with Irelia, who I've been doing well with recently though I'm relatively new to her. Unfortunately they picked Darius, which was not a good lane for me (though not impossible), and their Hecarim ganked repeatedly as well. I ended up way behind early and tried to just play safe the whole game, which went so-so. Fortunately Jax was quite good and ended up winning with a backdoor while we defended our nexus.


Not much. I think leaving lane (except to defend turrets when needed) was a good call, since we didn't have much vision and Hecarim+ Darius had no trouble deleting me if I wasn't in turret range.


I definitely need more practice with Irelia, since I really wasn't sure how to play against Darius. Also, I'm not sure why I didn't buy pinks, since I sorely needed them.


I can't really complain about a team that carried me, though the kill-stealing was pretty annoying; I definitely shouldn't have had a lot of kills, but I definitely also shouldn't have ended up with zero lol.

I don't have a lot of experience with Syndra, and this one was pretty weird: she didn't actually try to kill me, as far as I could tell. She would just ult me the moment her ult was up, which left me low enough that I had no choice but to back. A few seconds after I got back she would do it again. And again. She never did get a kill in laning phase (while I got two I think, though both were while roaming), but she also denied me CS very hard since I was never in lane. Not actually sure what the correct response to that is. Any advice?

Unfortunately, other people did give her a bunch of kills, and the rest of their team got fairly fed as well, so they ended up completely destroying us.


I survived in lane, which was nice (and a bit surprising). I also got some good kills while roaming.


My CS got shut down hard, and, as I mention above, I really don't know how I was supposed to get around that. I think I had a few unnecessary deaths as well from overextending/overstaying.


3/7 Gnar, 2/8 Gragas, and 4/9 Caitlyn. 'Nuff said.

So something amazing happened this game. Our team won because of teamwork. In bronze solo queue. :O

Mild sarcasm aside, it really was great. None of the lanes were total landslides for either team, and it looked like we were losing for a long time, but eventually we grouped mid and repeatedly won teamfights until we won the game. I was stuck against Vladimir, which was brutal, but I actually did alright in lane. Sadly he picked up two triple kills in early teamfights, so he was pretty deadly after that, though he seemed to fall off/tilt later.


I played really safe, which kept me down to 2 deaths, which was nice. I also made a few nice picks with Charm (but more about that below).


Though it was nice to have only 2 deaths, 3 kills is also rather low (though 11 assists made up for it to some extent), so I definitely didn't have as much of an impact on the game as I might have liked. A bigger issue was that my skillshots were all over the place this game; though I landed several great Charms, I also missed a ton that I shouldn't have.


Eh, no real complaints actually.

So champion selection was hilarious. They pick Talon. I say "HOORAY!" and pick Galio to kich his a--. Only it's Talon in the jungle, not Lee Sin, who's top. Instead, their mid picks Cassiopeia into Galio. I guess she didn't know how bad that is for her. I didn't actually get fed early though, since she played very safe, but late game Udyr and I carried (with Sona doing well too).


I think I farmed decently well for a Galio. I also landed some good ults, though my team didn't always follow up well.


I should have won lane by more, I missed at least one easy kill. Apparently I also only bought one pink, even though we could have used more.


Taliyah fed hard but she apologized and seemed to be trying, so that was fine I guess. No real complaints.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2016 3:07pm | Report

A bad game in a lot of ways. I was playing pretty badly, but I couldn't compete with our amazing Master Yi (who started 1/8) and their team was really fed in general ( Zed being fed was not due to me feeding in lane, for the record; he never killed me in lane iirc).


Not much really. I played fairly safe, which was probably a good call given our position.


My mechanics were absolutely terrible this game, I don't know why. I was missing a ton of CS for no good reason and missed quite a few skillshots as well.


Master Yi and Shen were a duo and spent the whole game blaming me for everything, and in particular for not helping in teamfights. I kinda got the last (silent) laugh though when I saw that I still had the highest damage and kill participation on our team.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2016 7:09am | Report

At least in terms of mechanics, this may have been my best game ever, and I was way ahead early as a result. Unfortunately our bot lane fed terribly and there really wasn't anything for Ekko and I to do against a 22/5 Jhin and his decent team.


My CS was solid (I still need to get better, but this was about as well as I've ever CSed). I landed some good skillshots, including a couple of really clutch max-range Qs to kill people unexpectedly. For most of the game I stayed safe and for a long time I had no deaths.


I needed to roam bot more to help our struggling (that's an understatement...) bot lane, but Viktor and Illaoi kept me busy mid. Later in the game I got pretty tilted because everybody else except Ekko was so terrible, which didn't really matter, but did probably lead to 1 or 2 of my 3 deaths. I could have warded more as well.


This Thresh... he constantly stayed too far forward, got hooked by Blitzcrank, got deleted, and then whined in chat about how Blitzcrank is op and he can't do anything about dying. We told him repeatedly to stay back but he just kept on doing it... ugh. I think in many ways he single-handedly cost us the game.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2016 7:37am | Report

Their mid first picked Fizz which is annoying for Ahri so I went with Galio instead. Early game was so-so (I believe I started 2/2) but later on I made his life pretty miserable. Unfortunately we threw pretty hard; we couldn't seem to finish early and in late game they outscaled us, largely because our Twitch was pretty incompetent.


I did a decent job in lane and I had a few good roams, though Galio isn't the best roamer.


I made a dumb misplay early because I confused a Fizz Q for an E which gave him first blood and made me miserable for a while, though I came back. Later on I was splitpushing while my team fought; at the time it seemed like this should have been fine because we were way ahead and we thought the rest of the team could 4v5, but instead they all got killed and we started losing from there.


I dealt more than twice as much damage as our Twitch even though I built tank until near the very end. How is that even possible..?

Their team was absolutely terrible and we stomped. Not much more to say about this one.


I played safe but still got a decent number of kills and good damage. Don't remember much about my roaming this game, but I think Anivia kept me busy in lane most of the time.


I was getting poked hard in lane, which led to pretty terrible CS on my part. Anivia constantly just threw an R under me and then used one W (which dealt double damage because of being chilled), which chunked hard, and she could do it constantly because she built a ton of mana (Tear + Catalyst). I really need to learn how to deal with poke.


Our team was fine, no complaints. Their Azir support though... xD.

Ah, the joys of playing against smurfs. This particular Katarina was at least fun to play against because, while she was good enough to single-handedly carry her team, she was still quite killable, so I got some good plays in. The rest of my team got crushed by her though.


This was my best CS ever I believe (68 at 10 minutes). It still needs work, sure, but I'm getting closer to my current goal of 70. It's always nice when your opponent actually CSes (and therefore lets you CS) rather than just poking nonstop like most of my opponents do. I played fairly well in late game too, assassinating Katarina repeatedly (though, sadly, usually only after she had already killed 2+ of my teammates).


While my CS was good by my standards, I couldn't compete with her 82 at 10 minutes (I'm not sure I can get that much in a no-bots custom game, though I haven't tried in a while). I probably should have also roamed/followed Katarina more.


The rest of my team was pretty useless, but I'm not going to complain too much about people getting wrecked by a fed Katarina.
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