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Abysmal Rankeds and Where to Find Them

Creator: Sirhappee August 4, 2016 10:40am
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2016 8:01am | Report

Graves and I both got fed and probably roughly canceled each other out in terms of team contribution, but the rest of my team was much worse than the rest of his. I had a slightly rough start though (see below), so if not for that I might have been able to turn this into a win.


My roaming was on point this game, and I did fairly well in lane as well. I also made good use of my pinks, getting 2 (I think?) kills thanks to them.


I've always used a mixture of free and fixed camera mode, but I'm trying to switch to almost exclusively free mode right now. It was going fine in normals, so I went ahead and tried it in ranked this game. Unfortunately it didn't always go so well, with me screwing up camera placement a few times, especially early on. This led to me missing some skillshots and taking extra damage in lane, so at first I wasn't doing very well.

The funniest moment of this game for me was when I moved my camera by accident while throwing a Q at Viktor, and ended up killing him without even being able to see him (I just aimed at some point on the map that was roughly in the right direction).


Teemo insisted on fighting on dying to Graves over, and over, and over... we told him to just farm under turret, but he wouldn't listen. Ugh.

Their mid first picked LeBlanc so I went ahead and picked Galio because a good LeBlanc is hell for Ahri. This one turned out to be total trash though. Unfortunately I didn't abuse her mistakes as well as I should have, but I still got fairly fed from roams. Their Darius also got really fed early. Fortunately Kog'Maw did too and my ult + his DPS could win most teamfights (though we did lose some, and at times the game didn't look so good for us). The Aatrox was alright too, one of the better ones I've seen.


I made some good roams and landed several solid ults in late game.


My CS was awful, but so was LeBlanc's; she poked nonstop so I had to poke back a ton to stay alive, which makes farming on mana-hungry Galio rather hard. I was also too aggressive at times in late game, which led to some extra deaths.


Darius started 5/0 if I remember correctly, which made him a big problem later on. Nasus did a little better later though, thankfully.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 11, 2016 7:57am | Report

They first picked Ahri so I went with Galio; that scared their Ahri so much that she went top with Yorick mid, and Lissandra wouldn't agree to a laneswap. Whatever, I still won lane.

Sadly we were 4v5 because Lissandra left a few minutes in, though we still almost won. We couldn't quite finish early on though and 4v5 became impossible late game, especially with our so-so Draven against their solid Twitch.


I did pretty well in lane considering that Yorick isn't really a great lane for me (though not terrible either) and I have no experience against him. I also made some decent roams and landed several good ults.


I should have warded more in mid-late game. Also, while I landed some good ults I also landed some bad ones; if I hadn't we might have won teamfights that would have won us the game. Or maybe not, idk.


This would have been such an easy win if she just hadn't left... -_-.

They first picked Malphite so I went ahead and countered with Galio. Oops. Turned out Malphite was in the jungle with Jarvan IV top. But whatever; like the last game, I still won lane, going 1/0 with a massive CS lead. I roamed a lot too but sadly to little effect because the Jhin mid used his range to hide under turret constantly.

I'm not sure exactly which people in this game were a group (either 3 or 4 of the other people on my team were, judging by chat) but the result was that I was pretty left out of what was going on, especially since I was playing top. In late game we just got wiped over and over because we couldn't win teamfights. Not really sure why, but it felt like they had both much better tanking and way more damage.


Considering how bad the matchup was for Galio I did great in lane, and in fact I kept up 7 cs/min for the whole game. I think my roams were fine too, Jhin was just too careful.


The Galio pick was risky and perhaps a bad idea, though Malphite jungle is really quite rare. My ults in teamfights didn't work great, but I'm not sure they were bad ults, our team just couldn't do anything to theirs in general.


Eh. Nothing serious to complain about really.
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Jul 25th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 1:57pm | Report

I easily won lane (two kills before 6:00) but our bot lane fed Vayne and Morgana to 16/3/11 and 10/3/25, with their Darius at 7/5/15 to boot. They grouped mid and quickly won.


I won lane pretty overwhelmingly.


My CS was bad, but I think that's just because I had to keep backing after killing Brand. Still I remember missing some CS that I shouldn't have. More importantly I didn't roam nearly enough, which might have saved our bot lane.


2/12/11 Lux and 7/14/4 Jinx -_- .
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