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Ekki's ranked thingy

Creator: Ekki February 17, 2016 11:08pm
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 12:26pm | Report
GAME #27 (link)

I was queueing with a couple of friends in normals and one of us accidentally sent a ranked invite. None of us realised it (I was watching youtube videos while saying dumb **** on skype) until the game was literally seconds away from starting.

So we went into ranked with a 2nd game Draven, a jungle Xin Zhao whose main roles are mid/adc (he knew it was rank, but wasn't in the skype call) and me cheesing with Nasus against an Illaoi. And we were a 5-man team, so the enemy was a full team too.

I managed to win lane and out-trade Illaoi quite fast, but their Lucian was getting fed, as their whole team seemed to go and help. Our Draven being bad and with a Leona (no peel) didn't help either. And as I haven't played Nasus in a while I couldn't gauge good Teleport windows, so Illaoi plainly outmanouvered me in map presence.

So Lucian got severely fed and we always died while being separated. There were lots of individual mistakes to point out, but I won't since it was a "surprise ranked" game.

Things I did well:
- I did actually farm quite well. Haven't played well with Nasus for a while, so I guess I could try him in ranked someday.

Things I should improve:
- Checking if the game is ranked more often.
- Managing map presence better while keeping up farm. In other champions I often lose a lot of farm to gain map presence. I wasn't sure I should do this with Nasus so I lost lots of map presence and I wasn't dealing enough damage to turrets to justify the splitpush.

LP loss: -13
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 1:21pm | Report
After that loss a couple of days ago, I played and kinda carried 4 games in a row. Now I'm 2/0 in promos to Platinum V!

GAME #28 (link)

Picked Nautilus without seeing that the Lee Sin was going top.

And the Lee Sin was awful. I literally threw him down to less than 200 hp in our first trade (AA + Titan's Wrath aa reset + minion's damage) without taking any damage myself. From there on I just wrekt him hard, eventually making his team tilt a lot. The fact that he had Ignite meant I didn't have to care about his map presence, but that overconfidence made me waste A LOT of Teleports. The Zyra was good too.

Things I did well:
- I guess the build? Maybe the splitpush. Not much to say here. It was a stomp on a bad player that snowballed without much thought on my side.

Things I should improve:
- Teleports to bot/mid when the enemy isn't overextended. Landing on a deep ward is easy, landing mid-fight is harder, as the enemy tends to have some disengage.

LP gain: +25

GAME #29 (link)

I was against an unknown position Nautilus/ Riven. I figured I could hard counter Riven with Maokai and outplay Nautilus if the Riven was going jungle/mid.

I would have felt disgusted by my tankiness, if it wasn't laning against a Riven. Sap Magic+ Grasp of the Undying OP.

I started with a kill over Riven and got cocky, so I got killed when she leveled to 6 before me as we were fighting. I got killed once again and things started to feel awry, but then I got a double kill (almost a triple) from low health against LeBlanc, Nautilus and Riven. They just didn't expect the healing AND damage xP

So I turned into an unkillable brick that dealt tons of damage. Ahri came a couple of times and got a decent amount of kills. It wasn't until mid game that I killed my way up to 7/2.

dat dmg

Things I did well:
- The counterpick.
- Plays in general. Did a couple of W+Q lockdowns on LeBlanc and Riven. Saved people with Vengeful Maelstrom and killed enemies with it too.

Things I should improve:
- Not getting cocky against Rivens. I just can't help it.

LP gain: +18
In promos to Platinum V!

GAME #30 (link)

I HAD to keep playing. My body was ready for Plat V. I'm picking up Kog'Maw and the game seemed like a good opportunity to test him. Being in a duo with a Morgana main I was in the mindset for either Kog'Maw or Miss Fortune.

And we wrekt them. Their Syndra was getting fed, but the rest of the team sucked and Kog'Maw carries too hard.

Things I did well:
- Passive/Aggresive balance in play. I picked the 1v1s I knew I could win and kited the ones I couldn't until I was ready for the kill.
- The Morgana duo. Not technically something I did well myself, but duoing with a Morgana main was a great idea.
- Positioning in general. I ran from risky battles, which gave a couple of kills, but it proved to be better in the long term.

Things I should improve:
- Early aggresiveness. Morgana was playing too aggressive and I was following in early levels.

Promotion series: 1 won / 0 lost.

GAME #31 (link)

Another game with Kog'Maw because the previous one was against a Sivir too, so I was sharp against her. They had a couple of dangerous champions but I was confident on my play.

Boy it was a hard one. Ahri came twice from behind the tower (!!!) when I was low. First time I managed to kill her with my passive as she took too many turret shots and second one she derped hard and missed both Q and E, so I walked back safely undertower.

Their Gangplank was really good, but I started lasthitting most of his barrels when I saw they dealt 70% of my HP. After that one hit I either dodged or lasthitted all of his barrels (I guess I got shot once more, but I got overkilled in that play). That's the Nasus training bois.

So the game dragged on, with our Fiora, Malzahar and Lee Sin being really bad in different aspects each. Fiora was always splitpushing in the wrong moment (and without a Teleport), Lee Sin proved his mechanics were derp and Malzahar was just an overall bad player, even though he did a couple of good ults. Fortunately their team was bad too, especially the Ahri. The only good players were Gangplank and maybe Janna.

Around minute 35 we stomped a teamfight and took their bot turret+inhibitor. Then we kept the pressure, eventually winning another teamfight to get baron and pushing mid for the win, killing champions as they appeared.

gold graph

Things I did well:
- Pretty much the same as last game, except that the game was a bit harder.
- Quicksilver Sash usage. Last game I couldn't use until the game was closed.

Things I should improve:
- Aggresive early game. Too aggresive, like last one, but the game was more clutch so I died more to this early.
- We stayed at dragon to take it with Morgana after the first teamfight won. We got the turret eventually, but we might have been able to take some inner turrets or baron instead.

Promotion series: 2 won / 0 lost.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 7:30pm | Report
Platinoob bois!
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 8:28pm | Report
GAME #32 (link)

Firstpicked Nautilus into a Graves. I've had really bad experiences against Graves top.

But this game ain't one of them. Not much to say here, we stomped them. It was a pretty boring game, so I bought an Abyssal Mask when we couldn't finish it before minute 20. They surrendered though.

Got to Plat with this game :D

GAME #33 (link)

So I had to play my first game in Platinum. I firstpicked Nautilus and laned against a Poppy. A hard matchup if you ask me. She had Thunderlord's Decree though, IDK if it was on purpose or not.

Poppy played really bad so I stomped her easily. I maintained decent presence too. Downside is I fighted with their Jax there too often, giving him a bunch of kills that could have snowballed if we weren't winning so hard.

LP gain: +26

I'm not feeling like doing an in-depth analysis of my games lately. Five out of the last six games were too stompy, so I guess I'll keep the "things I did well/things to improve" for lost games and long/even games.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2016 1:03pm | Report
So I haven't had lots of free time lately but I managed to play mostly ranked games in the free time I had. I'm posting my last game here to update on my progress.

tl;dr I'm in my promos to Plat III and maining adc now ( Ezreal/ Kog'Maw), queueing as adc/top mostly. I also queue as adc/supp if I'm in a 3-man team with Oiller (my duo bot partner) and someone else, to secure the bot lane.

GAME #60 (link)

Getting carried to my promos feels good man. The Riven outplayed me at every step in the game and my aggresive baseline behaviour meant she killed me too many times. Fortunately I got 2 kills early on Riven and Shyvana which gave me leeway on her snowball. By the time she was stomping me the rest of the enemy lanes had fed too much and the game was settled.

In promos to Platinum III!
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2016 1:29pm | Report
On a side note, after 5 seasons of playing ranked games I got my first ranked pentakill! (link)

I got no screenshot as I was too hyped to do the 3 button combination. Ryze played it like a bro and dived both nexus towers while locking down Draven to let me have my penta.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 1:57pm | Report
I haven't played much ranked and when I did I lost a lot of games due to lack of practice. This winter break (it's winter in the south pole) I had time to play a lot and I got back to ranked. So I'm going to try to keep this updated for a couple of months more.

Yesterday I played two games with Oiller, who climbed up to Plat II. His rank is quite high and both of our elos seem to be higher than our rank, so games were interesting.

GAME #70 (link)

Firstpicked Sivir into a Vayne, knowing I was going against a Braum. I hate playing against Braum with Kog'Maw or Ezreal and I had banned Ashe.

We won lane, Vayne and Braum seemed to be a Gold I and a Plat V queueing with one of the Diamond V guys in the other team. The Braum did decently well but the Vayne didn't. She only got a positive KDA because of awful fights where she cleared the mess. Taliyah sucked too, but she did a couple of awesome walls that won them some teamfights. We basically pushed them away with our poke and pickup potential, sieging their turrets and killing whoever got too close to us. Truth be told, we played well but got carried by the rest of the team, who did great and got all the kills. At one point in the game I was 0/0/6. I guess part of winning these games is keep following orders until your team wins.

Things I did well:
- Farmed a lot without leaving my team alone. I guess part of my team not dying while I farmed was having the awesome disengage our comp had.
- Used my Spell Shield decently. Not perfectly, I'm not even sure if it did it acceptably well, but I blocked stuff, which is a huge improvement from what I was doing when I was trying the champion.
- Teamfight positioning. Most of the teamfights I was behind my frontline dealing damage.
- Checked the map quite often. Part of the reason I was doing awfully was because I couldn't make myself check the map regularly. I still missed a couple of minutes where luckily we didn't get ganked, but it's an improvement.

Things I should improve:
- Those two/three fights where I ran INTO the entire enemy team. Not sure what happened, I'm guessing it has something to do with the attack-move command I'm using (A+click instead of just A, I always forget to check this). I literally started walking into their front lines and panicking. In one or two of those fights we had taken an inner turret/inner+inhib and proceeded to die 4 for 1-2, but since we always got objectives it wasn't a huge loss. The other one was the last fight and I managed to panic Flash+ Heal, making the entire team tunnel vision me, killing me but making the fight a 1 (me) for 4 into a win.
- Most of the things I did well were not good enough. I need to improve both my Spell Shielding, especially during clutch fights, and my map awareness. If the enemy jungler ganked us more often or if I got fed and was more focused the game could have gone to the sink.

LP gain: +25

GAME #71 (link)

The enemy adc was last pick so I picked Ashe because I feel like my Ezreal is weak and Oiller doesn't like the autist duo lane I play when I play him. The enemy counterpicked with a Caitlyn/ Thresh.

The Caitlyn sucked. She started with her traps which could be a decent first spell (they used to be good when you could place them early to save mana) but I just avoided them with little mental burden and outdamaged her during the first minutes of the game, when Caitlyn should be winning. All of our lanes started winning in the early game, but by mid game Riven got a bunch of kills, which made her be fed, so the game was quite dangerous at that point. At some later point Riven started to get cocky did a couple of good plays but we outmanuvered them and I started to get fed. By 30 minutes I was catching up people and killing them with my slow or nuking them 1v1 after connecting an ult.

Things I did well:
- Good Enchanted Crystal Arrows. I avoided uncertain arrows so I didn't do any flashy ult turnarounds, but most of my arrows connected and the ones who didn't werent horrible misses.
- One or two good Quicksilver Sash uses. I bought it late because Oiller's Black Shields were on-point most of the time and the enemy didn't have that much worthy CC.
- Dodging like Neo during laning phase. Dodging Cait's Q and Ws and Thresh's Qs kept me busy. I even kept up in farm somewhat.

Things I should improve:
- It's hard for me to focus on the map, avoiding the skillshots, attacking priority targets, remembering to properly use actives and initiate fights when I notice an opening. I didn't use Quicksilver Sash on a couple of CCs or I used it too late and I didn't initiate a single fight in the game with Enchanted Crystal Arrow, even if I did proper follow ups. I need to have a better prioritisation of those things in my mind.
- During laning phase I couldn't check the map because of dodging skills. Fortunately we weren't ganked too often, but it could have been bad. Kinda the same problem as the one I described above: I can't focus on everything, I should have a better mental attention split.
- I didn't farm a lot. Probably because I was busy following my team. Not sure if this was bad or if it's the expected consequence of sticking to your team.
- I don't know how to optimally use Hawkshot. I often just check blue/red buffs of the enemy jungler in case my jungler wants to invade, because I don't know the best usage during laning phase (and I often have a ward or some other way to check bushes during fights anyways). I should read a guide on this or something.

LP gain: +25
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 13, 2016 11:56pm | Report
I forgot to add two games from a couple of days ago so I'll post them here and then post the game I played today (or games if I play one or two more). Sorry for double posting.

GAME #72 (link)

I guessed I was going against Kennen and I don't have any champion that's too good against him so I figured I should pick Nautilus because he's my safest pick and I could always max Titan's Wrath first if I needed to play passive.

Maxing Titan's Wrath wasn't needed because the Kennen was BAD. The account was challenger in season 3 iirc but it got progressively lower rank until being plat/gold* by last season. He played passively and allowed me to outscale him by midgame, while my team was getting severely fed. I don't remember much more about the game and even though I kinda won my lane I was hard carried so I can't fill things I did well/things I should improve.

*depending on where I looked it it showed either plat or gold, I'm guessing he was one rank in ranked 5s and another one in soloqueue

LP gain: +25

GAME #73 (link)

I played one more game, picking Nautilus yet again because I'm having good games with him. Got to play against a Gangplank, I don't remember if he was firstpick or I was.

I managed to win lane and completely stomp Gangplank after Hecarim camped my lane during the early levels. By the 17 minute mark I had killed him 4 times (got 3 kills and 1 assist from those) and I was playing mind games with his barrels all the time. It was a very fun lane to play. Unfortunately their Master Yi was extremely fed and their lategame was just too strong. We made a bunch of misplays when the game looked like a free win and I couldn't capitalise on my early lead and we lost. Their Gangplank also kept splitpushing and even though I could win the 1v1 I wasn't able to catch him up by myself.

Things I did well:
- Outplaying the Gangplank in laning phase or playing around his barrels. Last time I had the same matchup (in normals, but against a diamond GP that was tryharding) I couldn't react to the barrels with Titan's Wrath properly. This time I got the timing right, or at least a lot better.

Things I should improve:
- Didn't know how to play against the splitpush. Maybe I should have bought a Zz'Rot Portal, maybe I should have rotated more often, maybe the game should have been closed before they started to scale and I didn't force that to happen. I'm not sure what was the right way to play it, and that's a thing to improve in itself.
- Better gank awareness. Hecarim ganked me a LOT during the early minutes and in 2 of those ganks I reacted awfully. Either I reacted too late or I threw my Dredge Line to miss it because of Hecarim's Devastating Charge.
- More map presence. I couldn't push the early lead I got over Gangplank further enough to win the game. We didn't even throw all 3 turrets even though some of us were getting fed. There was a time where I would Teleport bot as soon as I was going to do my first back. I'm not being able to see those opportunities lately. I'm not sure if the Teleport nerf has something to do (more time to react for the enemy, more failed Teleports), but I should probably try to be more aware of bot lane and aim for a countergank.

LP loss: -15 (my slight OCD is enjoying the numbers being always divisible by 5)
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 14, 2016 2:09am | Report
GAME #74 (link)

I got one dodge before this game where the enemy picked Yorick and I picked Nautilus against him because I don't even know how any of my champions do in that lane. So after someone dodged and I got placed with the same team again I figured the enemy Yorick might be there and banned Yorick only to have the enemy take Nautilus from me. Instant karma OP. So I picked Dr. Mundo (first time mundo in ranked) because the matchup sounded good to me.

I wrecked that Nautilus. Got first blood in a near-death fight where I was saved because I got into a bush right before he could kill me with an auto and threw him an infecter cleaver to the face. After that I started to play aggresively and Hecarim ganked a couple of times but either didn't get a kill or I killed Nautilus and escaped alive.

In the meantime the other lanes weren't doing too well but I managed to have some presence by doing a couple of Teleports bot or roams. Fortunately Nidalee was getting fed too.

Our Vayne was doing poorly and started a scary speech on how he was just trying the champion and that people take rankeds too seriously. At one point he got a quadra in an awry teamfight that could have ended badly if we hadn't had that adc, so I can't say the Vayne was bad.

I also got the most damage on my team. On my team with a Vayne, a Viktor and a Nidalee.
most damage on my team

Things I did well:
- Improved lots of the mistakes I was doing when playing Dr. Mundo in normals. I landed a decent percentage of my infected cleavers, activated Heart Zapper before getting CC'ed and used my ult right before it was too late in most fights.
- Had some map awareness and some map presence. Things I wasn't having lately in top lane.

Things I should improve:
- I played a bit too aggresively. I didn't die because of it, but I guess part of that was luck, since I got stuck in a couple of situations where I barely survived.
- I was instinctively trying to bodyblock skillshots when the only two skills I was able to block were Thresh's and Nautilus' Q grabs. This led me to my only death after Viktor got rooted by Lux under the mid inhib turret and I decided that standing besides him might save him somehow. I guess I'm not used to not have strong peel.

LP gain: +25 (yes, +25 yet again)

GAME #75 (link)

I got a disconnection that made me dodge and made me reevaluate if I should be playing ranked with the doubious state my internet was in. In the end I ended up playing anyways because I needed to either enter promos or lose a game but still be able to enter promos with one win.

So I counterpicked a Vayne with Ashe. My support was Nami and the enemy support played Janna. The other three players on my team were controversial. Kled top (new champion, always controversial to pick him in ranked), Riven jungle and the mid laner asked me to swap roles, which I refused because I suck at playing mid lane, and it probably meant he queued as adc/mid with mid as second role to play adc more often.

It was a close game. LeBlanc roamed a lot, mostly to top lane, and Riven ganked mostly top but Kled was dying a lot and feeding Trundle anyways. And we were holding our ground in the 2v2 even though Rek'Sai and Yasuo appeared a couple of times and even got a couple of early kills. My initial score was awful but I wasn't getting tilted because I was hoping that we could outscale their team.

Teamfights were chaotic and the result appeared to be a random set of champions every time. At one point the enemy was taking baron and we engaged, Kled stole it, we killed all of them and got their mid inhibitor plus a nexus turret. After that I thought that we were winning the teamfights but apparently that depended on how it played. We lost one teamfight that almost threw the game around minute 38, even when we had baron. They took the next baron and we were contesting the elder dragon (they had 3 dragons, we had zero) but we won the fight even though they took the dragon mid-fight, killed all of them and the three champions that survived procceeded to win the game.

Things I did well:
- Map awareness and better Hawkshot usage than other games.
- My kiting with Ashe is as good as always. She's just my favourite champion to kite with.

Things I should improve:
- My positioning was awful. Since my team had lots of mobility and I was Ashe, sometimes I stayed too long with them and ended up in the front line while we retreated. Their Trundle was focusing me with his Pillar of Ice and Rek'Sai and Janna were helping Yasuo get those group knockups that make him so dangerous. I got caught by them way too many times.
- I was zoning out really hard during the game. This was probably because I was playing at 4 AM and my mind wasn't in the mood to tryhard. I did lots of stupid stuff because of this.
- I hit Trundle and Rek'Sai a lot. Mostly because they were front line and my lack of mobility didn't allow me to hit priority targets. I guess it was the right thing to do most of the time, but in a couple of fights I didn't hit priority targets in range because of focusing too much on kiting the tanks.
- My "risky" Enchanted Crystal Arrows missed too much. Every time I aimed for the Vayne I missed her. Normally I would aim to the group of champions for a safe stun on anyone, but knowing that sometimes just hitting isn't enough I tried to aim a bit more. Clearly I need more practice. Even then, I think throwing an occasional risky arrow was an improvement from previous games where I waited for my allies' initiation to throw it. I may need to learn to initiate myself too.

In promos to Platinum III!
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 7:08pm | Report
One game I forgot to upload a couple of days ago. I don't remember much about it.

GAME #76 (link)

Early/Mid game team vs late game team. And we lost the early game. Not much to say here, I was playing kinda decently until I got tilted and died a couple of times. Our Rek'Sai got invaded early and died, probably making him/her tilted from the get go since his/her plays were awful. Also Lucian was a -1.

Lost the first game of the promos.

EDIT: Side note, their Fizz's name was Fizzzzzzzz and their Gangplank's name was Eat My Orange.

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