my first steps into ranked as jungle Riven

Doing pretty much what I think is the right way to jungle now. Vi spent most of the early game doing nothing but ganking and getting a few kills here and there. Meanwhile I was farming up like mad, still able to clean a couple of fights off and pretty soon I was 2 levels ahead of her and about a full item in gold.
I then started warding their jungle and counter jungling/ganking Vi as much as possible, always coming out miles ahead. Bot lane got rolling, snowballed the game.

Doing pretty much what I think is the right way to jungle now. Vi spent most of the early game doing nothing but ganking and getting a few kills here and there. Meanwhile I was farming up like mad, still able to clean a couple of fights off and pretty soon I was 2 levels ahead of her and about a full item in gold.
I then started warding their jungle and counter jungling/ganking Vi as much as possible, always coming out miles ahead. Bot lane got rolling, snowballed the game.
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The champion roster I'll mainly be focussing on will be: Riven every possible game, Lee Sin 1st back up, Elise 2nd back up, if none of the former are available I'll probably just yolo it and pick something random.
Start: Diamond 5
My goal for now is going to be Diamond 1, with a decent amount of lp. (50+~) I'd also like to get somewhere in ranked 5's at some point, but I'm not going to be looking for a serious team any time soon.
So ever since hitting diamond I've kinda been slacking up untill ranked rewards were distributed. Since then I've been playing quite a few games. After failing 5 promotion series (seriously I suck so bad at promo series wtf - failed 3 before and 2 in the preseason) I requailified once again and finally got it.
About this game. This was a trollfest. People flaming left and right in both teams. The game started off really well for us. We gained a huge advantage and were able to get 2 mid and 2 bottom towers rather quickly.
We then engaged in a pretty stupid dive under their mid inhib turret, got aced and lost baron. Though we were still ahead at this point, what followed for the next 5 minutes was people getting caught everywhere, picking bad fights and just generally throwing really hard to the point where it looked like we were going to lose.
But again.. this game was a trollfest so we caught 3 of them in an amumu ult at baron while their Olaf was pushing bottom so we killed them and took baron.. the counterthrows had begun. This time we held our advantage. We were always grouped up and cleaned up the game.
So anyway... to set sort of a starting point for this thread, here's my current profile.
And yeah I'll mainly be playing on my former smurf account K3vinTurtle.