Before I talk about these games, I just want to mention that I renamed this account to Wayne because that name became available today (after 2.5 years of inactivity of the guy who used to have the IGN). Yay! :D
Now I'll admit, I could've picked a better game to highlight.
For example, I could've mentioned how in the
Rumble game my cs was god awful and how I really wish I could become good at farming with him one day. I could've mentioned that, on the flipside, my ultimates that game were actually all really good and that I'm proud of myself for that. Alternatively, I could've talked about the
Pantheon game, mentioned that I felt like I was choosing good moments to gank but I still struggled to outperform the enemy
Udyr, and I could've went on to tell you about how their lanes eventually got ahead far enough for them to slowly take over vision/objective control all across the map. Finally, I could've talked about how awful I played in the
Syndra game (with the exception of a few max range stuns) and said that I'm still not sure how I got away with that.
Instead, I'm highlighting the last game. Not because there's much to talk about here (it was a pretty one sided game, as you can see), but because of something which happened earlier today. Before I played the
Syndra game, I entered champion select as second pick and picked
Caitlyn before seeing two teammates both pick jungle at the same time and lock in. This was obviously followed by a collection of OMGs and WTFs from said teammates, before they eventually decided that
Udyr would simply have to lane mid. Our last pick then also picked
Blitzcrank (which for some reason seems to be everyone's favorite choice when picking a support for
Caitlyn even though it makes zero sense), so I decided to dodge.
Now, if you look at the screenshot (again?), you might notice how I got pretty close to 100 LP (definitely closer than I expected when I went into that game having 67 LP). In fact, I'm pretty sure I was exactly 3 LP away from it..........
...asfdsgerjhoperhnopsbngriwisobdfubsvskcjbmvniwuefuisbvdvondpoghoidfb >.>
Game 20-24
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Now I'll admit, I could've picked a better game to highlight.
For example, I could've mentioned how in the

Instead, I'm highlighting the last game. Not because there's much to talk about here (it was a pretty one sided game, as you can see), but because of something which happened earlier today. Before I played the

Now, if you look at the screenshot (again?), you might notice how I got pretty close to 100 LP (definitely closer than I expected when I went into that game having 67 LP). In fact, I'm pretty sure I was exactly 3 LP away from it..........
...asfdsgerjhoperhnopsbngriwisobdfubsvskcjbmvniwuefuisbvdvondpoghoidfb >.>
Quick update since I doubt I'll play any more games today.
Boy oh boy this game was frustrating. Bit of a wall of text incoming. I'm sorry.
Based on the screenshot this might be a somewhat odd statement to make, but I don't think I've ever played a
Syndra lane as well as this before. Seeing as I'm not a mid lane main, I normally tend to be quite passive and try to simply get ahead by farming better than my opponent. Despite (unnecessarily) dying to a gank early in this game, however, I actually started taking advantage of
Lissandra's low range after a couple of levels and tried poking her with my Qs as often as possible. This caused her to lose a lot of cs and I eventually managed to kill her with the help of
Fiddlesticks. Bot lane also started off pretty well and our first couple of (small) teamfights resulted in us getting a bunch of kills, so things were looking good for us.
Unfortunately, being so aggressive left me vulnerable to ganks from
Vi and
Irelia (who was doing quite well) and the enemy team decided to abuse this hard. My score went from 8-2 (during the mid game) to 8-9 (at the very end of it) because of my inability to deal with the ganks / focus on me in teamfights, and even though that freed up
Caitlyn a bit the enemy team still had little trouble dealing with her too.
Looking back, I think the problem for me was a combination of two things:
Going into this game, I knew we needed an early lead because of how strong / easily executable their teamfight looked. We managed to get that lead, but then simply didn't play well enough to keep hold of it. The laning phase of this game still gave me a huge confidence boost, but I realise that's no excuse for me to die so often afterwards, so I definitely have that to work on. This would also be a good time to mention I hate
...Won the game after though so I did reach my series \o/
Game 25 & 26
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Boy oh boy this game was frustrating. Bit of a wall of text incoming. I'm sorry.
Based on the screenshot this might be a somewhat odd statement to make, but I don't think I've ever played a

Unfortunately, being so aggressive left me vulnerable to ganks from

Looking back, I think the problem for me was a combination of two things:
- Although I placed wards very frequently, I was hesitant to place my wards deep into the river because I feared
Irelia might be there, which combined with
Lissandra CC is a free kill for their team. At the same time, however, this meant that - while playing aggressively - I was almost constantly at risk of not seeing a gank coming before it was already too late. I should've taken the risk to place them deeper, because even though that could backfire it would at least keep me safe for 3 minutes, denying
Lissandra a way back into the game.
- Regardless of placement, I didn't check my wards often enough while I was being aggressive because I was so focused on poking
Lissandra. I'm hoping my map awareness in mid lane will improve over time if I play the role more (as it did in top lane).
Going into this game, I knew we needed an early lead because of how strong / easily executable their teamfight looked. We managed to get that lead, but then simply didn't play well enough to keep hold of it. The laning phase of this game still gave me a huge confidence boost, but I realise that's no excuse for me to die so often afterwards, so I definitely have that to work on. This would also be a good time to mention I hate

...Won the game after though so I did reach my series \o/

Grats on series and good luck, buddy c: Looking back, do you really think it would have been better to risk warding deeper into their territory? Because I'd think you were right in not doing that, if Vi was ganking you so much, and especially if Irelia was roaming frequently as well. I think it would've been better to have asked Fiddlesticks or someone else, your support, to do it for you.
Thanks :)
Myeah, the problem was I placed most of my wards quite near the lane even before I was frequently getting ganked, which despite my reasoning for it is a bad habit. I mean, knowing how easy it is for
Lissandra to set up a gank and knowing that I don't check the map often enough (yet), a ward so close to my lane isn't even really going to help me anyway.
I do agree that after the first few ganks it would've been better to ask
Fiddlesticks to visit mid too (or have him / the support ward for me), yeah. I was too busy being sad about my lane going to **** after I played so well to consider all of that during the game though, oops.
Myeah, the problem was I placed most of my wards quite near the lane even before I was frequently getting ganked, which despite my reasoning for it is a bad habit. I mean, knowing how easy it is for

I do agree that after the first few ganks it would've been better to ask

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I'll probably be sticking to a two-images-per-post format, with the left image being a screenshot of my match history and the one on the right being a highlighted game which I'll talk about in a bit more detail (click for full size). I also added a third champion for every role in the opening post, which is completely unrelated, but I just wanted to mention that.
So, with that said:
As you can see, I've been playing whatever I've felt like playing / whatever the team needed since finishing my placements, and so far I'm pretty happy with the results. I was actually forced into jungling
With other junglers (like the two I just mentioned), I tend to back after clearing one of the two buffs + 3 smaller camps (which grants enough gold to upgrade
In this game, I went top after clearing Gromp > Blue > Wolves > Red and got First Blood on the enemy
After this, we should've probably been able to steamroll the enemy team, but due to a combination of individual mistakes and poor team communication most mid game teamfights went pretty back and forth, with the poke from
Promoted to Gold III :)