@ NorthernRedStar
Thanks for reminding me it's all luck.
Remember kids, never underestimate Ignite damage / don't get baited into early all-in fights even if you think you have enough health to win it despite having Teleport yourself. Oh, and don't try to fix the damage by going in again while the Ignite is still down when their jungler's around, heh. Early mistakes are very, very costly.
I did manage to keep Riven busy top and away from teamfights (which were mostly being won by my team) and even managed to 1v1 her once, too, but in the end they grouped up and started winning fights rather easily because we chose bad spots to fight (mostly tight jungle areas). I suppose I could've tried a bit harder to keep my KDA decent (my overall Renekton KDA went down from 59.0 to 5.8 because of this game, rip), but I felt like it was better to try to perform my usual job as well as possible.
Luckily, I played solid in the other games, so I've joined MissMaw, Khazem, IceCreamy, Roselight, Wintermond, Yukimaru, DisturbedFox, xIchi, Kirluu, Oxide and koksei in Galio's Chains :)
Thanks for reminding me it's all luck.
Game 41-44
Remember kids, never underestimate Ignite damage / don't get baited into early all-in fights even if you think you have enough health to win it despite having Teleport yourself. Oh, and don't try to fix the damage by going in again while the Ignite is still down when their jungler's around, heh. Early mistakes are very, very costly.
I did manage to keep Riven busy top and away from teamfights (which were mostly being won by my team) and even managed to 1v1 her once, too, but in the end they grouped up and started winning fights rather easily because we chose bad spots to fight (mostly tight jungle areas). I suppose I could've tried a bit harder to keep my KDA decent (my overall Renekton KDA went down from 59.0 to 5.8 because of this game, rip), but I felt like it was better to try to perform my usual job as well as possible.
Luckily, I played solid in the other games, so I've joined MissMaw, Khazem, IceCreamy, Roselight, Wintermond, Yukimaru, DisturbedFox, xIchi, Kirluu, Oxide and koksei in Galio's Chains :)
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Been busy, haven't played much ranked since my last post. Don't worry though, I have three entire games (!) to report about now.
The first game was played quite a while ago, days after reaching platinum (I forgot the match history screenshot, oops!). All I remember is that my duo queue buddy Out of Pancakes fell behind heavily in the jungle (as Lee Sin vs Shaco), but their team couldn't abuse the lead due to having an inferior comp late game, so we won anyway.
In the Irelia game today (duo with GMD's smurf), I laned against a S4 Challenger Riven, managed to be ahead in cs without dying (despite what the final score might suggest), but she outroamed me during the mid game and got kills elsewhere. I was hoping that pinging her on her way out would be good enough to prevent that, but our jungle Shaco in particular still gave her a lot of kills by being caught while trying to counterjungle (he ended with a 1-11 score). Might have to change my strategy next time, I feel like I could've done more here.
In the final game, GMD and I decided to go bot lane together. The laning phase was quite passive, though I did manage to get a small cs lead and one kill at the very end of it. However, mid game then started with a horrible fight in which we lost 4 members and a tower, at which point we had to take a step back and play safe to get back into the game. Luckily, we did this quite well and we managed to win some small skirmishes while also having great Dragon control (got the first 4 in a row). Just as we were looking to pressure them in their base, we overstayed and had another horrible fight which gave them a free Baron, so we were back at square one with their jungle Udyr also becoming a rather terrifying splitpush monster at this point (he had been farming pretty much all game and was level 17 when we were all 13-15). Once again, we managed to pick the correct fights (with Yasuo in particular playing exceptionally well) and we got the fifth Dragon, allowing us to win the next big teamfight (by 3 kills to 1) and end the game.
Game 45-47
The first game was played quite a while ago, days after reaching platinum (I forgot the match history screenshot, oops!). All I remember is that my duo queue buddy Out of Pancakes fell behind heavily in the jungle (as Lee Sin vs Shaco), but their team couldn't abuse the lead due to having an inferior comp late game, so we won anyway.
In the Irelia game today (duo with GMD's smurf), I laned against a S4 Challenger Riven, managed to be ahead in cs without dying (despite what the final score might suggest), but she outroamed me during the mid game and got kills elsewhere. I was hoping that pinging her on her way out would be good enough to prevent that, but our jungle Shaco in particular still gave her a lot of kills by being caught while trying to counterjungle (he ended with a 1-11 score). Might have to change my strategy next time, I feel like I could've done more here.
In the final game, GMD and I decided to go bot lane together. The laning phase was quite passive, though I did manage to get a small cs lead and one kill at the very end of it. However, mid game then started with a horrible fight in which we lost 4 members and a tower, at which point we had to take a step back and play safe to get back into the game. Luckily, we did this quite well and we managed to win some small skirmishes while also having great Dragon control (got the first 4 in a row). Just as we were looking to pressure them in their base, we overstayed and had another horrible fight which gave them a free Baron, so we were back at square one with their jungle Udyr also becoming a rather terrifying splitpush monster at this point (he had been farming pretty much all game and was level 17 when we were all 13-15). Once again, we managed to pick the correct fights (with Yasuo in particular playing exceptionally well) and we got the fifth Dragon, allowing us to win the next big teamfight (by 3 kills to 1) and end the game.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Game 48-50
Hmm, some pretty rough games.
The Thresh win was a constant back and forth between great teamfights and terrible teamfights (including the standard level of flame and pointing fingers), which for a big part came down to whether I was able to Exhaust the enemy Katarina or not (she got rather mad at me for doing it so often :x). I don't think I could've done much more in the Zed game, as the enemy jungle Evelynn camped top and got their Gangplank fed, so he started two-shotting people left, right and center x_x
On to the highlighted game, in which I was forced to support while Thresh, Janna and Leona were all banned. The laning phase was quite rough, but Ezreal managed to stay even in cs so I wasn't too worried initially. Unfortunately, after both ADCs had backed he decided to force a 1v1 against Lucian, who was able to beat him quite easily because he had a Pickaxe vs Ez' Tear of the Goddess. Even more worrying was the fact that other lanes had fallen behind by this point, too, with the only member on our team to become quite strong being Fizz.
Because of this, I went for a very defensive support build, hoping to be able to protect my teammates with shields, stuns, the Frost Queen's Claim active and (late game) the cleanse Mikael's Blessing. Although I feel this worked out pretty well and I initiated a lot of good teamfights with the Flash + Summon: Tibbers combo, I can't help but wonder whether it would've been more effective to build more "selfish" and try to impact the game by dealing more damage. They slowly but surely pressed their advantage and won the game quite comfortably, in the end :(
Most of my deaths were from trying to provide vision for my team in unwarded areas, they took advantage of that quite well.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Game 51 + 52
Not sure what I'm doing to deserve this.
In the first game I was the only one to win my lane despite being in a matchup in which I shouldn't, in the second game our Blitzcrank randomly started trolling (intentionally taking the kills instead of giving them to carries because he "needed to stack his Mejais"), and that was followed by Ahri trolling as well to give Blitz "what he deserved", which ultimately led to Pantheon selling his items and trading them in for 5x Needlessly Large Rod, too.
The only thing I can fault myself for is not really knowing how to deal with Blitz' aggression early on (when he was still being serious... I think), which caused us to fall behind in lane. I honestly think that most of his decisions to go in were bad (he expected us to be able to easily burst down the rather tanky combo that is known as Thresh - Graves), but I still notice that high elo supports I've played with in general tend to be more aggressive than I am, so maybe that's something to work on.
Really demotivated right now though.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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And I'm just sitting here, trying not to facepalm once every 30 seconds.
Sigh, if only I didn't take that 5 month break from my main account.
Oh well, at least my smurf is in diamond since month back.