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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2017 2:54pm | Report
ibrius wrote:
When you play jungle try to buy a pink ward every time you back
If your top lane is tank and the enemy too like the garen match up don't bother gank it because it will be hard for you to kill him and you will then open a path for enemy jungler to gank a lane more strategic like bot or mid or simply empty your jungle.
Just tell your toplaner to farm safe and gank when really you have nothing else to do or when you pass by

Also tell yourself that an enemy jungler will need at least 30 sec to go from bot to top so if you see him bot you have 30 sec to empty his jungle top
He will maybe get a kill or an assist but will loose farm and xp and gold
Once you clean his jungle top ( if he was bot ) go straight to bot because most probably this jungler will head either base then jungle top or straight top if you midlaner not to aggressive
And gank your bot lane :)

I don't necessarily agree with buying a Control Ward every time you back. If you've got a plan for it, maybe. E.g. Doing a clear with Shyvana and then taking dragon after you back. But if you don't have a plan for it or can't protect it once placed then it can be superfluous.

I think that skipping trying to effect the wet noodle fight Top lane (two tanks banging it out) has some merit, but think it probably has to be on a case by case basis. Pre-items no one is really that tanky. So sometimes an early kill on a tank can set the tone for a lane and even Mid game team fights (if your tank is bulkier than theirs then you should be at an advantage).

Counterjungling depends a bit too. Ideally you count their creep score assuming they haven't been picking up lane farm from anywhere you can tell if anything in their opposite side jungle is up. Though I agree it can be helpful in hepling to keep you somewhat even (kill vs camps) if you can't be there for a countergank.

I'll have to think about the point of going into his Bot side jungle if you have cleaned out his Top side jungle. Depends on spawn times on the camps. It may be that their jungler thinks his top side camps will be up so he will go there first. I think you still have to consider lane positioning though because if they see something juicy on the map they may skip farming and show up in a place you might not expect without thinking about it first. But is an interesting thought. Thanks!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2017 9:10pm | Report

Figured that since we had Nautilus Top, that Jax would go well vs Tryndamere, Xayah, and Warwick and it worked out decently. I picked up early kills and assists on Tryndamere and Orianna. Had a bit of lull Mid game as despite the kills I didn't have the gold to really get into my Trinity Force. We had a good chain CC/pick comp with Thresh, Veigar, and Nautilus. That let me focus on putting the hurt on Xayah who was pretty damn fed after laning phase. I just had to wait until she did her untargetable thing and then I could go in on her. She does a lot of damage if she can pull her feathers through you. Despite getting stomped in lane, Twitch came back strong with good team fight damage. Slight scare when Thresh DCd for a bit after we got our 2nd Baron, but I told the team to wait it out and we cleared waves and farmed up our jungle which worked out nicely since we had things ready to roll once he came back.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2017 10:44pm | Report

Shaco was slightly annoying, but as long as I didn't try to go too ham on him when I didn't have Flash to get in range to finish him off, it was fine. Bot and Mid took a beating, but we ended up having the better Mid game overall and I was sitting on 450 or so stacks so I could do some damage, though sometimes getting to people was tricky. Amumu and could have coordinated out turret dives better, but oh well, it worked out in the end.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2017 11:36am | Report

Ashe and Zed did work. Zilean kept them alive. Only got Darius killed once. Should have knocked [Garen]] and Udyr into the wall instead of back toward Darius. Whoops. Need to think more about how to best use my ults in certain situations.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2017 12:40pm | Report

Another good team. Poppy died to Renekton early, but then I got over there and helped her out. That shored up and with her outscaling Renekton we were in a good spot. I just ran around helping whoever looked like needed it most. Had one silly death when I got collapsed on by their Top and Mid while harrassing Amumu. Should have paid more attention to their laners positioning. Another death when I ended up in the middle of a scrum and simply took too much burst.

Ivern really is too powerful. I would start by not letting him get a buff while giving it to other champions after level 5. But they will probably do too much when they do nerf him.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 24, 2017 8:09pm | Report

Their Hecarim did work. I ended up helping out all the lanes to some degree, Sion and I killed Diana three times. Would have like the map to have been switched for this one so I could have helped out Bot lane more to get Kog'Maw going earlier and give him Red buff throughout the end of laning phase and into Mid game, but such was not the case. They had enough burst damage that none of us were likely to walk away if we managed to get hooked by Blitzcrank. Come about the 25ish minute mark we were just not winning team fights anymore and more of our people kept getting caught out than theirs, which meant we weren't a full strength for some of the later fights, which meant less peel for Kog.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 24, 2017 9:31pm | Report

Oof, back in Gold IV. This was tricky because they were so damn dashy and had Karma shields and speed ups. It was really hard for Kennen to get a good flank off and actually get into the middle of their team. We didn't have a great comp for split pushing so we were losing on that front and it slowed the game down a lot. We would have to send someone over to push lanes out and then all get back together in Mid. Our saving grace was that we had enough CC that if we could get them in line we could CC a target, run them down, and in the process CC the next target and rinse and repeat, which is what happened in the last major fight. I just spent the early game keeping Diana in check, by showing up everywhere she was trying to gank. I was further behind in farm that I would have liked, but my laners were doing reasonably well, so I got some faith and went all tank before finishing off Iceborn Gauntlet for some additional damage, which meant clears were a little slower than they would have been were I where I would have liked to have been.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2017 7:06pm | Report

Woo, Vi is so much easier to play than Aatrox, XD. No waiting for windows of power. Just mana and cooldowns? Team near you so they can follow up? Go!

Made a poor decision to Q + Flash onto Skarner when I caught him at rather low health doing his Raptors. I didn't have enough damage at the time to make good on the all-in so he got away and I got collapsed on and IIRC that ended up getting someoene else on your team killed.

Later happened to be in the right spot at the right time and managed to pick up a triple kill after a bit of chasing around.

Having a fed Kassadin and a fairly fed Vayne didn't hurt matters.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2017 8:30pm | Report

Man I hate when people ask for early jungle pressure and then push their lane opponent into their turret. It ended up working out and we actually got a kill on Hecarim as well as Nasus but that was only after Nasus was able to push out and I hung around waiting for it. I ended up with a good start at 4-0, but had several more deaths come mid and later in the game than I would have liked. I think if I had done my build order differently I would have been better off. Enchantment: Bloodrazor feels a bit anemic on Jax. Wondering if I should build differently. Another Vayne that just wanted to splitpush, which made teamfights tough. She managed to come in and clean up some, but other times she just got cleaned up.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2017 9:24pm | Report

Forunately our Vayne, Thresh, and Anivia did work because Jayce and I had our hands full trying to keep Nasus in check. We did managed to kill him once relatively early in the game, but damn if he did 2 v 1 us later. I was actually trying to get Anivia to come over and help us with him, but she went and cleared Mid first. Then she died to Nasus too, sigh. Vayne and Thresh swapped with Jayce after that and took the Top outer tower. Jayce was actually able to kill off Kog'Maw with some help from me. Yeah, if the Bot lane wouldn't have done as well as they did, this one would probably have been donezo.

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