NicknameMy wrote:
Also, don't forget your face of the mountain on Dr. Mundo, your team will like the epic shield, especially to counter those "kill 1 guy and win" comps.
NicknameMy, Riot called me to direct a porno spoof of League of Legends with the thematic "Overhyping", your scene will be called "Facial of the Mountain"
NicknameMy wrote:
spamming Poppy in low elo is quite fun (even as a support or jungler). I just had a game recently where in team fights when I ultied their support people were still wasting their dmg (or even their ulties) on me and when I 1-2 hit them they wanted to report me for hack :D
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Can I get a free copy pls
No you can't.
But have you heard about the almost-free health face of the mountain gives and which makes it the most efficient item in the game???!?!?
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Jimmydoggga 2.0 wrote:
And with Warmogs, Dr Mundo shall return.
Cooper112 wrote:
Ya they started building it 1-2 weeks ago ogn been doing it long before. Thats why you watch ogn if you want be ahead of the game.
Solo q still i still hardly ever see it even on tanks in higher elo.
Solo q still i still hardly ever see it even on tanks in higher elo.
ogn league also started weeks almost a month before LCS, so what are you trying to say?
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Mooninites wrote:
ogn league also started weeks almost a month before LCS, so what are you trying to say?
Starting late has little to do with it each region just has different picks. Ogn is usually a good place to watch for the new stronger picks.
Ezreal mid has been strong for a long time and it was played in ogn first. Faker played it alot and now na mid laners will just copy.
Thats how na works all they do is copy what ogn did weeks ago instead of coming up with there own things.
Cooper112 wrote:
Starting late has little to do with it each region just has different picks. Ogn is usually a good place to watch for the new stronger picks.
Ezreal mid has been strong for a long time and it was played in ogn first. Faker played it alot and now na mid laners will just copy.
Thats how na works all they do is copy what ogn did weeks ago instead of coming up with there own things.
NA did pre-nerf Talon and every other region copied them.
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