Latest Legend wrote:
It's okay, happens to everybody I've read.
Thoughts on the Korean Miss Fortune build, similar to Lucian? Wildturtle and Freeze for example uses it. Wildturtle also includes Duskblade of Draktharr. Seems to be picked as a counter to Korean Lucian.
Jimmydoggga 2.0 wrote:
Mid lane Varus is really popular again in the LCK, nothing else is new afaik they've only played like 6 games total though.
How is midlane Lucian terrible while ADC Lucian is top tier anyway? They're the same thing
How is midlane Lucian terrible while ADC Lucian is top tier anyway? They're the same thing
His lower range comparatively to mages make him far less of a bully in mid lane. Also can't real with assassins, as most ADC's cant.
Roguish Bard wrote:
His lower range comparatively to mages make him far less of a bully in mid lane. Also can't real with assassins, as most ADC's cant.
no its a bigger deal that he doesn't bring AP damage mid where its usually most common, and he has no cc either. basically pidgeonholes your top into having magic damage, and you need CC/engage from other sources as well, when mid is usually the best place to get it.
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