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My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Don't forget that early game most ap-champs and other mids, scale almost better with levels than with items. So if you have a support mid that carry will reach 6 later and thus having less impact on the game at a critical moment! Plus you reduce the kill chance on their mid by them naturally playing more defensive against 2.
I think your question is more about "can forgoing jungle for dual mids win against the current meta" and only after this have been proved (and by that I mean pros take it upp in competitive games) you might see if you start to face dual mids with your dual mid..
I'd consider nunu for a good support mid if trying this. Both for the innate smite, but also for the speedboost he can provide, where he can either run off himself and gank top/bot he can also speed up the mid carry for this.
Building a team around this idea would be fun though. I'd go a toplane Gangplank, mid nunu and ap-yi, botlane either janna/ashe or Janna/Ezreal.
The global presence from GP, Janna (passive) and Ashe/Ez is probably needed since you give up jungle. Plus Yi isn't as dependant on lvls as most mids since in lane he doesn't get a burst from ultimate. And Janna could cover the entire bottom half of the map with wards, nunu the top half. Having good vision might offset the jungle presence.
Just an idea around your idea. Other supports mid would be lulu for the ap-shield and good harass or Janna if you run ad-assassin mid. Zilean in the team would be fun to offset their mids lvl advantage.
I think your question is more about "can forgoing jungle for dual mids win against the current meta" and only after this have been proved (and by that I mean pros take it upp in competitive games) you might see if you start to face dual mids with your dual mid..
I'd consider nunu for a good support mid if trying this. Both for the innate smite, but also for the speedboost he can provide, where he can either run off himself and gank top/bot he can also speed up the mid carry for this.
Building a team around this idea would be fun though. I'd go a toplane Gangplank, mid nunu and ap-yi, botlane either janna/ashe or Janna/Ezreal.
The global presence from GP, Janna (passive) and Ashe/Ez is probably needed since you give up jungle. Plus Yi isn't as dependant on lvls as most mids since in lane he doesn't get a burst from ultimate. And Janna could cover the entire bottom half of the map with wards, nunu the top half. Having good vision might offset the jungle presence.
Just an idea around your idea. Other supports mid would be lulu for the ap-shield and good harass or Janna if you run ad-assassin mid. Zilean in the team would be fun to offset their mids lvl advantage.
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Ah, I see now. Thank you utopus. And that sounds like a solid idea Crow. We may use that set-up. And also the idea for the nunu to apply pressure on the other lanes is a great idea as well. I'm getting so many good ideas its hard to try to apply them all :). I will try out these ideas in series' of matches and get back to you all when i have results. Still forming the team though, so it may be a little bit before i actually get results. Thanks again for all your guys' help.
To be honest I really don't believe in this setup as a new meta. But then again I'm a bronze scrub...
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I'm not as much trying to change the meta, just trying to think of new strats. I guess it would be cool to be the person to change meta:) but i doubt it. I just wanted opinions on how it would work if I were to try it. Which I will.
I think a ****load of wards is needed and active game play for getting at least your own buffs.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Yea, thats what we were discussing on page one, different comps that would be good for push oriented play style for this to work Vynertje. And yes, ward coverage would be quite necessary.
This actually happened to me the yesterday when I played a Blind Pick Normal. Called mid and locked in my Twisted Fate. Someone else on my team decides to then call mid after everyone else has called everything but jungle and lock in Nidalee. I guess they just decided they wanted to troll or else just wanted to try and force me to go somewhere other than mid. We ended up duo mid against an Akali. Their jungle Udyr just had to come help babysit mid and they were never able to do much since Nidalee and I could poke them even when they were under turret and I could push minion waves back in almost instantly.
Point of the story, if you can have some ranged poke and good pushing vs weak early game and melee, it can work really well. I ended up 4-1-6 and then enemy team ended up surrendering around 25 minutes. Once we established the early lead, we did as someone else mentioned and took turns helping side lanes take down towers.
Point of the story, if you can have some ranged poke and good pushing vs weak early game and melee, it can work really well. I ended up 4-1-6 and then enemy team ended up surrendering around 25 minutes. Once we established the early lead, we did as someone else mentioned and took turns helping side lanes take down towers.
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And if you don't have a jungler, you cannot exert constant pressure on other lanes (with jungle ganks, that is). In addition, unless you have a solotop Cho'Gath, or Nunu & Willump support, you'll have little control over dragon, baron, and the red/blue buffs.
xichi believes that you'll net a loss of gold & global pressure by sending two people mid, rather than have a solomid and a jungler