OK ive been playing morde ALOT these last couple of days and i have found a balanced build that works pretty well. Start with a shield, then get Boots of Lucidity, WotA, Ryalis, Frozen heart (or Morellos Evil Tome if no AD on opposing team), then Hextech Gunblade, and a situational, possibly Lychbane or Abyssal Scepter. CDR+Spell vamp+ryali health, ap and slow,=win. 99% of the time so far. haven't been outlaned yet, and i have 1v1 dueled several people who are op at it, like Udyr, Noct, Gragas, and beaten them all with this build. CDR and spell vamp with some decent ap is a good way to balance his shield, and thereby make him uuber tanky while still throwing out good dps.
[quote=The Overmyynd]OK ive been playing morde ALOT these last couple of days and i have found a balanced build that works pretty well. Start with a shield, then get Boots of Lucidity, WotA, Ryalis, Frozen heart (or Morellos Evil Tome if no AD on opposing team), then Hextech Gunblade, and a situational, possibly Lychbane or Abyssal Scepter. CDR+Spell vamp+ryali health, ap and slow,=win. 99% of the time so far. haven't been outlaned yet, and i have 1v1 dueled several people who are op at it, like Udyr, Noct, Gragas, and beaten them all with this build. CDR and spell vamp with some decent ap is a good way to balance his shield, and thereby make him uuber tanky while still throwing out good dps.[/quote]
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
Dont get Morello, DFG if you rly want to and drop CDR boots for either Mercury's/Tabis or Sorc's.
You have different options for CDR don't waste your boots for it.
[quote=Darcurse]Dont get Morello, DFG if you rly want to and drop CDR boots for either Mercury's/Tabis or Sorc's.
You have different options for CDR don't waste your boots for it.[/quote]