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Toshabi wrote:
Voicing opinion is what makes change.
You're right, but why are you complaining here? What use does it have? This was meant to be a fun thread about people that finish a champion mastery but instead it's turned into another pointless QQ thread. It’s kind of pathetic really.
I can't take back the words I never said
This is MOBAFire though, not the official league of legends forum, and this isn't a thread entitled "Ways to fix the stupid mastery badge system >:l!!" so complaining here is pointless.
Elusive Ferret wrote:
You're right, but why are you complaining here? What use does it have? This was meant to be a fun thread about people that finish a champion mastery but instead it's turned into another pointless QQ thread. It’s kind of pathetic really.
Yeah lets get this thread back on track.
Sig by xDarkWOlfxz
MMR needs to work like this grading system, it should fluctuate with your good/bad you do, not your win/loss ratio. Because, there is no definitive proof in winning, or losing. The only thing that can account for that is player stats and how consistent they are.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
the rating system is complete ballsacks lol
it only judges how well you do individually, not how well you do in securing objectives, teamfighting, or closing games out.
i keep getting s's for ending games quickly, but I can just **** around and keep getting kills and get s+
that being said i got this yesterday
i got this yesterday after some hard work
it only judges how well you do individually, not how well you do in securing objectives, teamfighting, or closing games out.
i keep getting s's for ending games quickly, but I can just **** around and keep getting kills and get s+
that being said i got this yesterday
i got this yesterday after some hard work
Embracing wrote:
the rating system is complete ballsacks lol
it only judges how well you do individually, not how well you do in securing objectives, teamfighting, or closing games out.
it only judges how well you do individually, not how well you do in securing objectives, teamfighting, or closing games out.
I think you might be taking it a little too seriously.
Individual skill is the only thing that matters in soloqueue. But, this grading system isn't enough for me to care. I don't care about my grade, if MMR worked like the grading system where your MMR went up and down based performance. I would care, because I would know I am actually getting something for doing good while I watch my Bronze team throw.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
by jhoijhoi