Talon is more of a counter-pick in my opinion. He's a pretty strong opponent for an AP top or an anti-mage (like Kassadin or Morgana) mid. Since his viability really hinges on team composition, it makes sense that he's not seen as often as other champions.
Assassins are also a little more rare because it takes a player who can take risks to unlock their potential.
That's the best answer I can give, anyway.
Assassins are also a little more rare because it takes a player who can take risks to unlock their potential.
That's the best answer I can give, anyway.

Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
My Fiancee played him when he was free to play. He really liked him and I would not be surprised if he ended up buying him at one point.
Talon looks like fun, and I may try him out sometime.
Sometimes you don't want your favorite champions to be too popular :) then you would have to fight for him at the champ select screen. Heh.
Talon looks like fun, and I may try him out sometime.
Sometimes you don't want your favorite champions to be too popular :) then you would have to fight for him at the champ select screen. Heh.
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Thanks to you both, I'm just wondering as when I play him I always do very well, and only mess up when I encounter the friend life glitch. It seems like he's very good, and no person I have played against in mid can really do anything about it.

Thank you Jovy for this bomb *** sig!
Talon is extremely fun to play. However, in lower level play, not many people can reach his skill cap, and in higher level play, He's extremely team dependant. It's just hard to have a good game with him. That being said, I see a lot of Talons, at least one a day.

Special thanks to Keondre for the sig!
Due to inactivity, I am no longer reviewing guides. Sorry guys :(
^That's a pretty good way of looking at it actually. OR you burn your ult and run like hell cuz you ****ed up

Thanks goes to JEFFY40HANDS for a gorgeous Karma sig
Hey, you should help me on acquiring Medieval Twitch!! :D
Hey, you should help me on acquiring Medieval Twitch!! :D
^ It's the same with most other Assassins as well. Kassadin is an exception.

Special thanks to Keondre for the sig!
Due to inactivity, I am no longer reviewing guides. Sorry guys :(
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