PsiGuard wrote:
^He's a burst assassin. That would make his damage have high burst and high sustained. That's way too strong to be balanced.
Graves has something to say about that...
To clarify I was playing him for a few hours today (running solo top like a boss) and the only time I actually lost my lane was solo top against singed, but that was me failing to recover from him building that first piece of Frozen Heart (probly shoulda bought like a Bruta or LW), and the games I lost were because my team was just uncarryable. I had the highest CS in every match and could take out like 3 people with the right amount of kiting.

I played him like crazy when he first came out, and generally steamrolled in pubs.
But then he got a little nerf, and people realized he is super squishy. As someone else said, with Talon, you either get the kill and start to snowball, or you die and start playing catch up. And it basically feels like that every time you go into a fight (unless you have the item/level advantage).
Obviously that is part of being an assassin, but I like my chances better with a Kassadin / Akali.
They both have a "get out of stupid move" free card (I'm not counting Talon's stealth because it is such a crucial part of his DPS + the cooldown).
tl;dr Talon has a higher risk/reward ratio than other assassins IMO.
But then he got a little nerf, and people realized he is super squishy. As someone else said, with Talon, you either get the kill and start to snowball, or you die and start playing catch up. And it basically feels like that every time you go into a fight (unless you have the item/level advantage).
Obviously that is part of being an assassin, but I like my chances better with a Kassadin / Akali.
They both have a "get out of stupid move" free card (I'm not counting Talon's stealth because it is such a crucial part of his DPS + the cooldown).
tl;dr Talon has a higher risk/reward ratio than other assassins IMO.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
Talon is a very strong champion and very underestimated in my opinion.
he's not only a good counterpick for AP champs but he's also a strong top pick if you know what you are doing. You can go for resistances on a hard lane and still snowball from your high base damage.
he's not only a good counterpick for AP champs but he's also a strong top pick if you know what you are doing. You can go for resistances on a hard lane and still snowball from your high base damage.
El Psy Congroo.

|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|
Meh, i think talon's the kind of champ who u like but u don't wanna waste mony on, that's why i only see him when he's free. For example i love playing orianna but i wouldn't ever think about buying her.
Meh, i think talon's the kind of champ who u like but u don't wanna waste mony on, that's why i only see him when he's free. For example i love playing orianna but i wouldn't ever think about buying her.
Isn't Orianna a top tier champ? Or used to be anyways, I think she got nerfed but I don't play her. I know she used to be anyways. Zone people out like ****ing mad. Talon is also a good champ imo, but he's hard to fit into the current meta imo. Solo top is really the only place for him, where I think he may lose to other solo top champs. But I haven't tested this, may try him out solo top with runes and masteries set up since I've been thinking about buying him and his new skin on my main.
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And yes, your mother loves me.
Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
FatelBlade wrote:
why do so little people play him
Talon is all over the place in EU West. And when he is in a game he is ALWAYS fed. ****ING ALWAYS!
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I think Talon is fine the way he is. He's a bit of a niche pick, but still strong with the right player and team composition.