Lugignaf wrote:
Apparently I'm being kicked out at the end of the month... Fun times ahead for me. :/
Having Vapora listed as friend in the notifications menu is simply a pain. More than 10 notifications about adc guides a day just from him is no joke..
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
I'm really struggling with the fact that I don't want to be that person who feels the need to remove all mention of their birth name from public view, but lately everything surrounding it is making me feel like garbage. I don't dislike my birth name at all, the assumptions that come with it are what I dislike.
This blows.
This blows.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
I'm really struggling with the fact that I don't want to be that person who feels the need to remove all mention of their birth name from public view, but lately everything surrounding it is making me feel like garbage. I don't dislike my birth name at all, the assumptions that come with it are what I dislike.
This blows.
This blows.
Although I get what you mean, it's very unrealistic to expect an overnight change regarding a name that has such a strong association with said assumptions. I think overall, you'll need to find a balance around what YOU want and what can be reasonably expected of strangers in a society that has not yet accepted they are not educated in certain subjects.

It was more of a general statement than one directed at anything in particular. I'm changing my name so I can avoid this because where I am change is not happening at all. Like, actually, they're trying to pass laws that will actively make my life worse.
Could you drop the A in your name and be Manda. That's a more masculine name, I think? Or are you thinking of changing your name entirely?
jhoijhoi wrote:
Could you drop the A in your name and be Manda. That's a more masculine name, I think? Or are you thinking of changing your name entirely?
Amandus is actually really cool. In Australia a cheeky young male who mucks around and has a good time is called a larrikin (synonym: maverick). So whenever I see your name I think of larrikin.
Well, Amandus is a really old name. Despite the root of both names being the Latin word amanda, Amandus has documentation far earlier than Amanda as a name. There's a few variations though. In particular, there's a Saint Amandus from the 5th century as well as a Saint Amand from the 7th century and multiple Saints Amantius. If you decide to look that up, ignore Wikipedia as it calls Amandus and Amand the same person when they were not. So, in that sense, I definitely can geek out over it, but it's just that nothing sounds as good as Larkin does to me, for some reason. I'm also not really religious at all, so going by the name of a saint is a bit weird to me.
And I can't say I really fit the definition of that word, but it is funny that there's a word so close to this name I'm inclined towards. Larkin is probably a variation of Lorcan, an Irish name; though Larkin is actually primarily a surname (not that I care), while Lorcan is generally a first name. Caelan is another Irish name, but I don't like it as much as I like Larkin, though I do like it a lot.
Tristram is just kind of a family name in my late grandfather's family, there's a lot of men named [first name] Tristram Coffin in his family.
And I can't say I really fit the definition of that word, but it is funny that there's a word so close to this name I'm inclined towards. Larkin is probably a variation of Lorcan, an Irish name; though Larkin is actually primarily a surname (not that I care), while Lorcan is generally a first name. Caelan is another Irish name, but I don't like it as much as I like Larkin, though I do like it a lot.
Tristram is just kind of a family name in my late grandfather's family, there's a lot of men named [first name] Tristram Coffin in his family.
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