TROLLing1999 wrote:
Draven beats Quinn after level 5-6. Caitlyn can be dealt with by playing very aggressive or simply starting Doran's Shield. Admittedly, it's not a favourable matchup. No one plays Urgot and it's very easy to outplay his Noxian Corrosive Charge with Blood Rush.
I also start Elixir of Fortitude 99% of the time for higher kill potential. Most favourable supports are: Janna, Nami and Thresh.
GrandmasterD wrote:
If you grab a kill at level 5-ish it's generally around 200-300 gold which is not bad at all at that point in the game.
oh, i really didnt think it was that much. probably depends on how you catch your axes (meaning that i would probobly get like 50 gold XD). still, imo its not that great of a passive.
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Kaggboer2012 wrote:
oh, i really didnt think it was that much. probably depends on how you catch your axes (meaning that i would probobly get like 50 gold XD). still, imo its not that great of a passive.
It's obviously not an amazing passive but the latest tweak makes it at least worth something. It can help you snowball or get back into the game. High stacks + shutdown = cash 'n hunnies. Elixir + aggressive play can really help you get kills early.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Yea, in game it does.
I was like...omfg I actually look like Wonderwoman now this is ****ing amazing.
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