But if you play Ezreal or gangplank and you can't ability spam you're hardly going to deal any noticeable damage in laning phase.
Hence the problem.
And if not very often is worse than currently, no-ones going to be viable except mana less champs.
Hence the problem.
And if not very often is worse than currently, no-ones going to be viable except mana less champs.

Basically MOBAFire.
Mana is a part of balancing, and Riot does take advantage of that. For example, you can look at
Gragas. After his kit rework, he turned into a very strong top laner, that was capable of being quite tanky, and able to dish out a ton of damage.
When Riot nerfed him again by adding a mana cost to his
Drunken Rage, he immediately fell out of style.
While riot does not go as far as DotA does to make sure that mana cost is something that can't be blown off. Something that Riot has always avoided and I believe will continue to avoid would be implementing spells/abilities that would take/steal/burn mana from an opponent.
While I do believe that riot needs to balance mana costs a little more than they are currently doing, I believe that LoL is better off than DotA in that regards. By taking away the heavy dependency on mana, it incentivizes champions to poke with spells whenever they think they can do so successfully, thus ensuring more aggressive play, and generally more activity in the early game

When Riot nerfed him again by adding a mana cost to his

While riot does not go as far as DotA does to make sure that mana cost is something that can't be blown off. Something that Riot has always avoided and I believe will continue to avoid would be implementing spells/abilities that would take/steal/burn mana from an opponent.
While I do believe that riot needs to balance mana costs a little more than they are currently doing, I believe that LoL is better off than DotA in that regards. By taking away the heavy dependency on mana, it incentivizes champions to poke with spells whenever they think they can do so successfully, thus ensuring more aggressive play, and generally more activity in the early game
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Some champs like
Gangplank need to use their mana efficiently. I think in Vapora's
Talon guide there was a great section about mana efficiency.
Gangplank, for his
Parrrley to be worth it, you need to attack multiple times the enemy champion to stack the passive. Basically, you want to
Parrrley -> AA -> AA ->
Parrrley at retreat. This way you deal massive damage to your opponent you would normally deal with 4


Sion changes announced:

Flat amount on HP decay makes sense. Will look into that (or other stuff like speed etc) for the next patch.
Regardless, I hope you guys are crushing noobs with new Sion.
Flat amount on HP decay makes sense. Will look into that (or other stuff like speed etc) for the next patch.
Regardless, I hope you guys are crushing noobs with new Sion.

If they plan keeping mana the way it is now, the early levels are going to be based around whoever has the least-cost harass since no one will be able to use their spells as often as they once were.
Ezreal and
Gangplank are just 2 examples out of many who will end up falling off the grid. It would be a huge nerf to
Kog'Maw and
Kayle who rely on activating spells periodically and would run out of mana way faster.

If you want to help me, teach me.
Well, but for that, they could make their abilities stronger, making clever use of the abilties more rewarding.
Gangplank, you could for example double his passive damage (or make it a percentage of maximum HP), this way if he trades correctly, he will still be able to outplay his opponent before running oom.
Kog'Maw isn't really affected, as
Bio-Arcane Barrage costs no mana. And does he build mana regen anyway?
Same for
Kayle, I have never seen a
Kayle build
Chalice of Harmony.

Same for

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If champions can just spam abilities, where is the sense of mana?