Actually, the ganks of Yi are better than the one from Shyvana. He has a gap closer (which already does huge damage), Shyvana has only a movement speed steroid. And Yi has also the higher damage, especially if opened with Double Strike. At lvl 6, Yi gets even more superior. Shyvana might get her gap closer which also increases her damage, but post 6, you can't slow Yi anymore, he runs faster than anyone and attacks faster than anyone, doing
For that, Shyvana clears even faster than Yi and lategame they got very different roles anyway.
BTW: The only one I could think about who is worse ganking than Yi and Shyvana and that is an actual jungler is Warwick pre 6.
For that, Shyvana clears even faster than Yi and lategame they got very different roles anyway.
BTW: The only one I could think about who is worse ganking than Yi and Shyvana and that is an actual jungler is Warwick pre 6.
He is gonna kill you!!!
It depends a lot though, post gold you shouldn't really be trying to gank with yi anyways - you should just be in your jungle waiting for the enemy to gank and then you teleport in and pentakill them.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
why are people dissing shyvana so hard lol
she's not as bad as people make her to be
she's in a better spot than a lot of other junglers
her flaws do exist - lack of cc, gapclose = only cc
but other than that her clear which builds into sustainability in the jungler and transition are both really strong
she's not as bad as people make her to be
she's in a better spot than a lot of other junglers
her flaws do exist - lack of cc, gapclose = only cc
but other than that her clear which builds into sustainability in the jungler and transition are both really strong
Satella wrote:
To be fair, Silver V may be perceived as "high elo" for people in the bottom 50% of the competitive ladder.
Either that or he has a time machine and is somehow living in S2.
In true i don't play jungle, my friend say it to me o.O
Make Wins Rain AP Miss Fortune Guide
interesting that out of all the changes we talk about shyvana and yi....
in any case the jungle will be a lot more action oriented I feel as I would suspect more invading to occur.
no one going to mention the kha changes? slight a player that didn't need it kinda dumb.
yeah they buff sej just to take it away again wtf.
the changes to wits end might make our best friend teemo a little better no?
other than that I like all the changes...which hasn't been the case with most of the patches.
in any case the jungle will be a lot more action oriented I feel as I would suspect more invading to occur.
no one going to mention the kha changes? slight a player that didn't need it kinda dumb.
yeah they buff sej just to take it away again wtf.
the changes to wits end might make our best friend teemo a little better no?
other than that I like all the changes...which hasn't been the case with most of the patches.
Bioalchemist wrote:
interesting that out of all the changes we talk about shyvana and yi....
Mobafire drinking game rule 1: Take a shot every time nicknamemy goes into a random thread and makes it about Yi or Singed.
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Aatrox will be permabanned in ranked - In before nerfs.