DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
Main thing to do is never fight Tryndamere alone, unless you're a strong fighter like Yi, Jax, or Riven and confident you can outdo him in a duel.
The tank or off-tank's job should be keeping him off of the squishies.
If you're sticking near your turret or by allies, you should always have enough warning time to back off, or kite him more effectively.
If you're wandering around alone in the fog of war - Well, Tryndamere's legendary skin isn't a Demonblade theme for nothing.
The tank or off-tank's job should be keeping him off of the squishies.
If you're sticking near your turret or by allies, you should always have enough warning time to back off, or kite him more effectively.
If you're wandering around alone in the fog of war - Well, Tryndamere's legendary skin isn't a Demonblade theme for nothing.
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Randuin's omen is a 1 item counter to Tryn.
Exhaust is a 1 summoner spell counter to tryn.
Careful position and map awareness/ward is a 100% counter to Tryn unless he gets fed.
Bursting him down and forcing him to use his ult before he wants to is a counter to Tryn.
Chain CC is a counter to tryn.
Blind is a counter to Tryn.
That champ has SO MANY COUNTERS.
Exhaust is a 1 summoner spell counter to tryn.
Careful position and map awareness/ward is a 100% counter to Tryn unless he gets fed.
Bursting him down and forcing him to use his ult before he wants to is a counter to Tryn.
Chain CC is a counter to tryn.
Blind is a counter to Tryn.
That champ has SO MANY COUNTERS.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Stuns help a lot and so do slows, or you can just get an alistar on your team and headbutt him when he gets close, and exhaust.
DuffTime wrote:
Randuin's omen is a 1 item counter to Tryn.
Exhaust is a 1 summoner spell counter to tryn.
Careful position and map awareness/ward is a 100% counter to Tryn unless he gets fed.
Bursting him down and forcing him to use his ult before he wants to is a counter to Tryn.
Chain CC is a counter to tryn.
Blind is a counter to Tryn.
That champ has SO MANY COUNTERS.
He does, but the problem is that players don't want to focus him because of two things.
1. He gets stronger the lower health he is.
2. Undying Rage go go!
These two things make it odd as to why you should focus him, if he is already destorying your team when left alone, why make him stronger and give him 5 seconds were he can't die? It is just sometimes the players thinking is counterproductive, when the answer is obvious. (I know, I had the same thought process).
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)
A lot of CC is the way to go(unless he has a Quicksilver Sash, which would make him more troublesome) and make sure to pop an ignite 2 seconds after his ulti and you are likely to have a kill. I personally would prefer to focus him down first(best with burst damage, force his ulti ASAP) since he is going to do a lot of damage anyway if the team ignores him.
Yeah well just to clarify for anyone who doesn't understand what we're talking about who may be new, Rudmed is agreeing that you should focus and burst Tryndamere down.
He can hit critical mass and deal a lot of damage for 3-4 secons (The last 1-2 will be spent running away so that he doesn't die)
OR, he can beat on you and tower dive until he hits critical mass and then spins away.
Gotta make him use his ult before he want to, by bursting him down.
He can hit critical mass and deal a lot of damage for 3-4 secons (The last 1-2 will be spent running away so that he doesn't die)
OR, he can beat on you and tower dive until he hits critical mass and then spins away.
Gotta make him use his ult before he want to, by bursting him down.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Duff, thank you so much for your list, I never thought about Randuins, and the moment it hits me I realize its a much better counter than Thornmail which solo-Q'ers cry to get when they see an enemy Tryndamere, I was no better. xD I appreciate your posts, JunSupport, Dufftime, and Rudmed.
Yw Corwin, Randuin's counters Tryn really well :)
And yes, I agree it's much better against Tryn than Thornmail ^^
If you can slow his movespeed / attack speed, he's effectively useless :)
And yes, I agree it's much better against Tryn than Thornmail ^^
If you can slow his movespeed / attack speed, he's effectively useless :)
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
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He's not too hard ;)