PsiGuard wrote:
Hey guys, "post whatever you want" means off-topic stuff, not insults. Basic forum rules still apply. Please make an extra effort to be civil when you are discussing sensitive topics like this.
**** YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a very hetero, non-**** way.

Right, I apologize. To summarize my point more civilly: I believe that the few people acting like they did has nothing to do with "modern feminism" as the ad has nothing to do with rights of a woman but is instead about weight loss consumables, or whatever they're called. The discussion is about whether a body is only ready for the beach if it's skinny or not. For the same reason I state that it has nothing to do with Islamism either: Islamism has nothing to do with the correlation between a body's weight and its readiness for the beach, nor does it have anything to do with scribbling on weight loss consumable ads with skinny women in bikinis on it. On top of that, I say that feminism and Islamism are hardly alike regardless.
For this reason, I think that the title and the general tone of the blog is "nonsensical ****" and it was probably only written like this to attract attention, which it successfully did. Or the author has, in my opinion, no idea what he's talking about.
To reiterate: I'm not commenting on the anti ad campaign described in the blog.
If there are any objections I'd be glad to hear them.
For this reason, I think that the title and the general tone of the blog is "nonsensical ****" and it was probably only written like this to attract attention, which it successfully did. Or the author has, in my opinion, no idea what he's talking about.
To reiterate: I'm not commenting on the anti ad campaign described in the blog.
If there are any objections I'd be glad to hear them.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Latest Legend wrote:
I believe that the few people acting like they did has nothing to do with "modern feminism" as the ad has nothing to do with rights of a woman but is instead about weight loss consumables, or whatever they're called. The discussion is about whether a body is only ready for the beach if it's skinny or not. For the same reason I state that it has nothing to do with Islamism either: Islamism has nothing to do with the correlation between a body's weight and its readiness for the beach, nor does it have anything to do with scribbling on weight loss consumable ads with skinny women in bikinis on it. On top of that, I say that feminism and Islamism are hardly alike regardless.
Well there's a clear connection.
Both are doing the same thing, only for different reasons.
One group thinks that the slogan is stupid (which I kind of agree with, but doesn't that encompass 90% of all ad slogans?.. Selective outrage when it comes to stupidity is almost equally stupid) and/or that the campaign is body-shaming. While the other thinks it's unethical to show off a woman's body.
I'm not big on the comparison between the two groups, but modern feminism does make me very sad. An unfathomable amount of idiotic **** is done in the name of feminism every day, and it just gets harder and harder to look away.
"If someone is ****, you point at them and declare "****!". Because this is the internet." - Serpentiferous
"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and little girls are the FBI." - ???
"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and little girls are the FBI." - ???
Searz wrote:
I'm not big on the comparison between the two groups, but modern feminism does make me very sad. An unfathomable amount of idiotic **** is done in the name of feminism every day, and it just gets harder and harder to look away.
Aside from that, every bad thing about feminism I read/hear is either butthurt people getting annoyed because they can't be as machist as before (in a colourful way that makes it sound as if it was the feminist's fault), or just facebook profiles/stories of so called "feminists" doing things that clearly don't represent feminism. I don't even care if the profiles/stories are real, because it's quite clear that those people don't represent feminism.
On the article. Saying "but there are other bad things out there" is just a bad argument to attack something that is not bad by itself. The ad is ****py, someone vandalised it. Calling out to the other million things wrong with the world won't make it bad.

^You're saying vandalism isn't bad?..
And if you want a perfect example of why I dislike modern feminism just look at "rapeculture".
And if you want a perfect example of why I dislike modern feminism just look at "rapeculture".
"I love the dirty bomb tag because i get either
a) posts about the game
b) current world affairs" - steel-sentry
a) posts about the game
b) current world affairs" - steel-sentry
The concept. It's idiotic.
And this is a case in which I'm pretty sure vandalism is negative.
And this is a case in which I'm pretty sure vandalism is negative.
"I walked up to her big butt and asked her *** butt what." - Lil Wayne, lyrical genius
"I can't decide where I stand on abortion, on one hand it is killing children, on the other it gives women a choice." - ???
"I can't decide where I stand on abortion, on one hand it is killing children, on the other it gives women a choice." - ???
Searz wrote:
And if you want a perfect example of why I dislike modern feminism just look at "rapeculture".
EDIT: I like how "#notallmen" is generally considered an appropriate response to nutjob misandrists parading around and calling themselves feminists, but it's not ok for people who actually identify with what feminism is supposed to be (a movement supporting gender equality) to say "not all feminists are like that" when people start whining about said misandrist morons. I do love double standards.
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Instead of thinking about how to insult me, why don't you start thinking about how a campaign about the correlation between a body's weight and its readiness for the beach has anything to do with feminism?
After that you may want to try and convince me of the fact that a few people with marker pens define "modern feminism".
And then explain to me what the hell this has to do with the Islam. Or are you going to tell me that there's an entry in the Koran which says one should always scribble on advertorials for weight loss consumables with a skinny woman in a bikini on it? Even if it were, can you show me that a vast majority of Muslims follow this quite literally by the book? By the way, I'm pretty damn sure this isn't one of the principles of feminism either.
The incident discussed in this blog, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, has absolutely nothing to do with feminism and/or Islamism. Do prove me wrong.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I approve of the hate campaign described in the blog, but I absolutely disagree with the notion that it has anything to do with feminism or Islamism. I'm also pretty sure that those two things are not alike.