Do we really need to have another **** jerking concept on MOBAfail? These things are nothing more than popularity contests.
jhoijhoi wrote:
Also, I think the levels of immorality in this thread are astounding. You'd really throw a child off a boat for your own luggage? Wow.
Toshabi wrote:
Do we really need to have another **** jerking concept on MOBAfail? These things are nothing more than popularity contests.
Yep. So if you just keep being superTosh n stuff, ppl will like it, you will get more popular and you will win an award :3
People get popular for a reason. A lot of the winners weren't that popular even. Voosha posts nothing except on his own guide and won his award (which I think he also deserves). Bludes, in comparison to his opponents, is overal less active and posts less, yet he won his award too (which he also deserves :P). Surely popularity influences the outcome, but quality just as much.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Thalia Kael
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Graypozo wrote:
Why? It seems like a good category to me :3
There aren't a lot of comedy guides and there is not a lot of interest in it. A lot of people voted "No opinion" in this category, which makes this category a bit out of place as I see it.
Change is gooooood
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Alright, since the feedback kinda stops going, I assume I know everything that I need to know. EXCEPT ONE THING! :OOOO
I want one more category to replace the "Funniest author" category, so if you can think of anything; post it down below :D
I'll pick the best one.
I want one more category to replace the "Funniest author" category, so if you can think of anything; post it down below :D
I'll pick the best one.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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No fancy emblem, I am sorry. Anyway, people seemed to like this thing and I seemed to like this thing, so we're gonna do this again :P
In this thread I basically announce that this is gonna happen again (which I just did) and give you the opportunity to give some serious feedback. Like seriously, go wild. I am alone in this organisation so any tips at all are welcome :P
First I will adress some things that will change from the Forum Awards 2013:
* The nomination will be posted earlier (maybe already in March) and I can probably get it stickied as well.
* After the nomination, I will give the nominees an opportunity to cancel their own nomination by PM, before I post the votings.
* All rewards will be different from last year. This means that the signatures will look different and that the future rewards may include actual badges and titles in the future. Details about that are not yet known.
* All categories will have a brief explanation in the nomination thread, so that people understand better what would make someone a fit for that certain category.
* Funniest Guide Author category will be removed. A new category will replace this instead, yet unknown.
* Presenting the rules of each stage more clearly.
Do you yourself have any issues whatsoever, post them down below so I can use them. If you aren't sure yet but still want to help, here are some more specific questions:
Nomination 2013
* Did you like the categories? Is there anything you would add or remove?
* Did you think the rules were fair? Do you think an alternative to the scheme is necessary?
* Do you think the planning was useful, or do you think I should be more specific?
Votings 2013
* Were the sample links useful, or didn't you use them at all?
* Did you like how the voting went? Was the splitting up of categories a problem? Were the questions clear? Did it go smooth?
* Did you think the rules were fair? Were they clear?
Results 2013
* Did you like the way the results were presented? Would you want them to be more clear, or do you want them to be more exciting?
* Did you like the rewards? Would you want them to be different? If so, in what way?
Make sure that you post your ideas about the nomination asap so that I can throw the Forum Awards 2014 open at the beginning of March.
Thank you all for your time and feel free to leave any suggestion :D
Also; If anyone volunteers to help with the organisation, you are more then welcome to. Last time there was quite some work with the nomination collection and the voting thread making, so I always could use a pair of hands :3