League of Legends (LoL) Question: Iceborn Gauntlet or Trinity Force on Nasus?
Posted in Items | Tags: Iceborn Gauntlet Nasus Trinity Force 28,365
Iceborn Gauntlet or Trinity Force on Nasus?
Ever since I could remember, Trinity Force has been a core item on Nasus. However, with the introduction of Iceborn Gauntlet, I have found an amazing contender for the role. There are drawbacks to grabbing Gauntlet, including losing Siphoning Strike stacks due to the AoE, but the slow is amazing and gives him a better team presence.
What good HP items would you get for Nasus? Sunfire Aegis? And what about MR now that FoN is gone?
Wish I could edit these things... :(
Also with Wither and Iceborn Gauntlet, that's a huge amount of slow. You probably don't need Mallet on top of that, and certainly not Rylai's.
Zeal is a BIG waste on Nasus, except for Move Speed, but you can get boot upgrades for that.
Iceborn Gauntlet gives the tankiness and slow of Phage, plus the Sheen proc, AND CDR.
Iceborn Gauntlet > Trinity Force on Nasus.