League of Legends (LoL) Question: 5.5 Kassadin and Varus viable?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Kassadin Varus 8,314
5.5 Kassadin and Varus viable?
So kassadin looks pretty beautiful and varus is getting a nice buff to his q. for a while i couldn't play my kass because he was just bad...is he good now though? i haven't played on the pbe (still waiting :/) but to anyone who has is he any good now? after getting hard nerfed, and nerfed again after that, and nerd AGAIN after that he was feeling pretty lackluster. if hes viable again ill be so happy. Varus feels kinda the same way. More concerned about kassadin but varus is fun too. ARE THEY FINALLY GOOD
Varus is actually bugged right now. The reduced cooldown doesn't actually work about 60% of the time. If they fix the bug... He'll be good in ARAM at least. I still don't feel that he's actually all too favoured in the meta. With assassins running rampant, self-peel (or long range), versatility and high burst is incredibly favoured. His poke is high and he probably offers some of the most utility of any ADC, buuuut... He gets destroyed pretty hard by assassins, and I feel that is the real killer for him. He doesn't really have any real way to deal with assassins that's not detrimental to his success in teamfights. But hey, Forgiven likes playing him, and he's the kind of guy that has a strong dislike for Corki and Sivir.
Varus's weakness is the lack of mobility and his clunky auto attacks. He hasn't got the best burst and is not very strong when it comes to late game compared to most attack damage carries like Tristana or even Lucian.
He is also really easy to destroy for assassins such as Zed or Akali since the only self peel he has is his Chain of Corruption which should be used to initiate fights. His slow isn't really a peel tool but rather a utility one.