League of Legends (LoL) Question: A question about Talon's job in the game
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A question about Talon's job in the game
I ban yasuo/Syndra every game as Talon and the rest of the champions usually don't seem to be a bigger threat to my playing style. I really like Talon as a champion even though ı am more of a late game dependant guy more than early game-lover player.
So, my problem stars here. Even if ı have slain the guy against me in laning phase like, 4 times, he can still return to game at about 30 mins and bring some REAL damage to table (Yes, ı am staring at you Annie) What should ı do in this situation as a Talon player? I usually build Talon more assasin-ish and get malmortious/EoN if there is a squishy but strong AP-dealing champion waiting to be assasinated (Damn, playing Talon feels like playing Assasin's Creed/Dishonered right now)
Thanks for reading ^^
So, my problem stars here. Even if ı have slain the guy against me in laning phase like, 4 times, he can still return to game at about 30 mins and bring some REAL damage to table (Yes, ı am staring at you Annie) What should ı do in this situation as a Talon player? I usually build Talon more assasin-ish and get malmortious/EoN if there is a squishy but strong AP-dealing champion waiting to be assasinated (Damn, playing Talon feels like playing Assasin's Creed/Dishonered right now)
Thanks for reading ^^
Moreso than other assassins,
Talon isn't really great at just repeatedly solo-killing people so once you have your lead, look to rotate a lot to catch people out. Also definitely buy