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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Black Text In Guide

Posted in General 2,864

  • DatKawaiiBunny

    Black Text In Guide


    When I logged into the website, the text in my Lux is blacked out. Not in all places though. When I edited it yesterday, it was perfectly fine. I noticed that the text is blacked out in a table or column. I'm not sure how to fix this.

  • Answers (3)

    roybaxter | March 2, 2022 1:28am
    I also face same problem when logged into the website..
    please fix this issue..
    archi1491 | February 15, 2022 9:29pm
    thanks for sharing...............
    Mowen (611) | January 28, 2022 10:07am
    This was a bug, should be fixed now! Let us know if you're still having any issues.
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