League of Legends (LoL) Question: Flat runes or scaling runes
Posted in Runes

Flat runes or scaling runes
between scaling runes and flat runes, let's say AP runes which one is better now in season 7? i have been away from LOL for quite some time and can't help but wonder
they used to say that scaling trumps flat all the time because in lv 5 your AP is higher than if you used the flat AP runes
is that still the case? or did riot change all this in the time i have been away from the rift?
i do apologize for my grammar since english is not my mother's tongue
they used to say that scaling trumps flat all the time because in lv 5 your AP is higher than if you used the flat AP runes
is that still the case? or did riot change all this in the time i have been away from the rift?
i do apologize for my grammar since english is not my mother's tongue
Flat AP glyphs are used on some junglers, but most mid laners run either Scaling CDR, Flat MR or Scaling AP. For junglers and top laners, Scaling MR, Flat MR and Scaling CDR are all common choices.
For just about everyone, marks and quints are always flat stats.
Just remember that solo laners and junglers tend to make better use of scaling runes since they have faster XP gain, while bot laners usually opt for flat stats so they aren't at a disadvantage early, especially since they level up slower.
E.g. 1.34 (flat MR) / 0.16 (MR/lvl) = Level 8.375 is when they're even.
so when u put flat runes u get more control
Some junglers will run 9x
If you want a safer early game, you'll need the flat runes. And the scaling runes are better for the late game but their effect is way less impactful since you'll have more stats by lategame anyways, so even if the stats are 2x better the overall observed effect tends to be way less. I guess flat is the safest way to go and you should only pick scaling when you know why you're choosing them.
For jungling you often take flat armor runes for junglers with less sustain so you take less damage and therefore can help your team more in the early game and recall less. If you plan on doing early ganks on mid lane you might benefit from flat MR runes too however I normally prefer scaling MR regardless.
For mid lane I normally take flat MR runes on Kassadin because I always plan on first blooding my enemy at level 3 or 4 by widdling them down and then flashing all in. However normally scaling MR is best because it quickly helps you a lot more than flat MR runes.