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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How Quickly Will Mobafire Update for Season 11?


  • TheInkKingLoL

    How Quickly Will Mobafire Update for Season 11?

    The question is pretty self-explanatory I should think.
  • Answers (2)

    Fruxo (334) | November 4, 2020 4:52am
    We're aiming to update it all the day before it goes live (Should be going live on November 11th). Of course, we're always planning to update it as soon as possible. :)
    TheInkKingLoL (43) | November 4, 2020 7:23am
    Thank you!
    Hades4u (564) | November 4, 2020 4:28am

    That's a good question. We plan to update everything as soon as possible, we always have a plan prepared! Whenever a new season begins or a patch is out, we work on updating everything in our database and tools to make sure authors can offer their readers updated and reliable guides as fast as they can. :D
    TheInkKingLoL (43) | November 4, 2020 7:23am
    Thank you!
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