League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is new Swain good?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Swain 8,992
Is new Swain good?
I've played a bit of new Swain on the PBE with mixed results, while I'm not sure what to build on him yet I'm leaning towards a AP/Health type build (like old swain). While Swain is fun he doesn't seem to be doing the damage I feel like he should, is it just me or is new Swain kind of weak?
Is he like old Swain?
Reworked Swain is similar yet different to old swain. He gains more mana back than ever before, his Nevermove is a skillshot now rather than AOE, and his ultimate now nukes for damage. Unfortunately, his ultimate is timed and not toggled, yet it can change a team fight like the old one.
What roles to play him:
I recommend top and mid as the two places to play him. Never do jungle. That hurt to play. ADC and support are iffy, and there are better options.