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League of Legends (LoL) Question: League System - Is it possible to get demoted?


  • A Chubby Baby

    League System - Is it possible to get demoted?

    Hey all,

    So with the new League System in, I think most of us know that to get your rank up/promoted, you get 100 points and win the next 2/3 games or win the next 3/5 games.

    But my question is, is it possible to get demoted? Like maybe if you're stuck at 0 points and you lose like the next 5 games in a row?

  • Answers (4)

    xIchi (65) | February 15, 2013 2:54am
    You cant be demoted from Leagues, but still demonted from Divisions
    eddie199 (18) | February 15, 2013 2:19am
    AFAIK you cant be demoted in the new system
    watch this
    it should give you some information about the new system.
    A Chubby Baby (290) | February 15, 2013 7:12pm
    This video is great.
    tehAsian (247) | February 15, 2013 10:52am
    It is possible to get demoted both Tiers and Divisions.

    To be demoted a Tier, like Silver to Bronze, you have to be demoted through Elo Decay. It isn't possible to lose so much that you can go down Tiers though, once you're there, you're there. Challenger Tier is a bit different, though.

    To be demoted a Division, you just have to lose enough at 0 points.
    A Chubby Baby (290) | February 15, 2013 7:12pm
    I'm assuming the decay happens every 4 weeks of inactivity?
    That Trev Person (77) | February 15, 2013 4:30am
    The general consensus is that if you lose 5 games that would theoretically put you in negative league points, you can have your division demoted. So if you lost 4 games at 0 league points, won 1 game and then lost another (assuming this loss takes away 1 more point than the win gave you for argument's sake), you would get demoted.

    Riot has not officially made a statement about this, but it seems to be 5 games.
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