League of Legends (LoL) Question: Updated Guide Design Templates?
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Updated Guide Design Templates?
I know there are some very outdated threads for guide creation, but I was wondering if anyone had any updated guide templates that I would have permission to use for my
Sett jungle guide text area?

I doubt that any guides on guide creation will ever be outdated :p templates always work
Anyway, on the topic of templates: I got no idea what you're looking for. You obviously already found Making a Guide by jhoijhoi already. I also got a few in my Table Coding guide (however, not a lot and they're quite... niche to be honest).
There don't seem to be that many coding templates lying around besides that (not surprising seeing how hard it is designing templates :( ) However, if you would like to use any part of coding from my Lissandra guide, send me a DM. If you want any other kind of coding (as in - you know what you want it to look like but cant figure out how to code it) then I'm happy to help out as well!