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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Updated Guide Design Templates?

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  • TheInkKingLoL

    Updated Guide Design Templates?

    I know there are some very outdated threads for guide creation, but I was wondering if anyone had any updated guide templates that I would have permission to use for my Sett jungle guide text area?
  • Answers (4)

    Prate_k (24) | September 28, 2020 1:42pm
    I think its best you create your own guide template, on your first guide and reuse those by just exchanging the information in them for the correct champion. This way, when you have more guides out and for someone following your guides, the layout and style become familiar and quick to grasp and easier to skim through to the relevant content. Making templates and sharing them is unlikely because one would wants to keep their guide style unique and to stand out as well.
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    Katasandra (102) | September 28, 2020 1:18am
    Hey hey,
    I doubt that any guides on guide creation will ever be outdated :p templates always work
    Anyway, on the topic of templates: I got no idea what you're looking for. You obviously already found Making a Guide by jhoijhoi already. I also got a few in my Table Coding guide (however, not a lot and they're quite... niche to be honest).

    There don't seem to be that many coding templates lying around besides that (not surprising seeing how hard it is designing templates :( ) However, if you would like to use any part of coding from my Lissandra guide, send me a DM. If you want any other kind of coding (as in - you know what you want it to look like but cant figure out how to code it) then I'm happy to help out as well!
    Hades4u (564) | September 28, 2020 1:06am
    Hey! I think authors don't check questions too much, maybe contacting them directly might be the best way to get replies. :)
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